Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Theahtah

The children from our boys' school in Omaha traveled to Denver yesterday for a field trip. They came to see the Denver Mint, but mostly, they came to share their latest play with our parish . It was St. Joan of Arc ~ and they did a fabulous job!

St. Joan, played by our friend, Monica, was amazing! (You wouldn't believe how many lines she memorized!) And our boys (who also had reams/reems/remes of lines!) were so much fun to watch! There's one thing you gotta say for them ~ every one of them has a good, loud, carrying voice! We've known this fact from the beginning, but it never occured to us that combined with a special hammy talent, their loud mouths (I say this with love and admiration...) suit them very well for the stage!

I couldn't get any pics of the play itself, for lighting reasons, but here are a couple shots of the boys afterward. Kevin was one of the soldiers in St. Joan's army, as well as the narrator; Jon was the stage manager, the kindly monk, and the evil courtier; Dominic was St. Joan's commanding soldier.

"What? You want to see my face?"

"Thanks, Dominic."

"My sleeves? Nothing but my arms. And a rosary. And a brieviary. Plus some Mentos, my cell phone, and my cues written on the back of today's bulletin... "

"She said to look fierce, Kevin."

"Thanks, Kev. I think that's fierce..."


Laura said...

Excellent pictures of handsome boys.
Wanna do some marriage arranging?

Therese said...

excellent pictures.

I have passed Marie Antionette award on to you Lisa.
