Theresa in her Christmas present jester hat that made William (2) laugh hysterically the minute she put it on her head.
Cathy, "I'm just resting for a minute" in her new jester hat.
L-R ~ Kevvy, Dominic, Jon's hand, Grandpa, Michelle and Paul discussing strategy.
Front to back ~ Kevvy, Michelle, Joh, Dominic, my brother Dave and Paul.
And, it was a cooooooold, windy day, folks, let me tell you!
Which leads me to add a word of advice to any potential sledding partiers... In fact, I'll add it to my list of "100 Things We learned the Hard Way" And here it is:
51. Never!
52. Never!
53. Never!
54. Never!
55. Never!
56. Never!
57. Never!
58. Never!
59. Never!
60. I repeat: NEVER take children under 5 years of age up on the side of a windy, cold mountain and expect them or anyone else around them to enjoy an afternoon sledding!
And here's why...
By the time we:
- got the children out of their carseats
- into their hats, gloves, scarves and snowpants
- up the hill
- and tried to get them to like the idea of sitting with us on the sleds
- and flying down the hillside...
Well, let us just say, um, our two little boys (ages 2 and 3) were not happy...
But, as soon as Mama
- took them home to their nice, cozy, warm, familiar house,
- turned on Goofy,
- got them snacks
- put on a vat of campfire stew and a pot of hot apple cider for the returning crowd...
everyone, everywhere was happier.
Did you feel a lessening in the static of the atmosphere of the earth yesterday afternoon about 4:30 pm mountain time?? Now you would know why that was.