You moms know the answer to this one, don't you? I knew it, too before I started my little experiment. The answer is:
My sis said she almost put it on there when she was here, but got distracted.
My mom didn't end up going into the bathroom at all when she was here, or it would definitely have been done.
But, neither of my brothers noticed anything amiss in there when they came over.
The Littles, who are here 24-7 couldn't manage the mechanics of it, even if they wanted to. Which they don't.
My teenage daughter apparently figured if I hadn't put it on, there must be some good reason for it.
And, my husband (bless his little male heart) isn't aware there is a toilet paper holder on the wall.
And so, here we are ~ two and a half weeks, and not a taker, folks. Drove me crazy every time I went in the bathroom. Our main floor bathroom is used so often, it needs a revolving door, but the wall holder remained empty for two and a half weeks. And the roll gravitated back and forth between the corner of the sink, the back of the tank, and the floor. Not that it mattered, but I started to figure out the pattern of who put it where. Interesting psychology, but frustrating.
So, what have I proven in this little experiment?
Nothing, I suppose, except what I already knew ~ that I am either:
A) totally indispensible to keep working all the tiny gears of happy, efficient living in my family
B) totally obsessed about little details that don't matter one little bit to anyone else.
Regardless, the toilet paper is now back on the wall holder where it belongs. And I feel muc

I guess some of us are just meant to be the the keepers of the toilet paper. We're the same ones who are the sweepers of floors, the wipers of noses, the stockers of pantries, the pinchers of pennies, the bucklers of seatbelts, the teachers of manners, the rockers of cradles...
We rule the world.
One roll of toilet paper at a time...
(You better believe it!)