The British Royal Household employs approximately 1200 servants. There are around 400 "household staff alone at Buckingham Palace. In addition to the two people who take care of the 300 some clocks at the palace, this includes "domestic servants," chefs, footmen, cleaners, plumbers, gardeners, chauffers, and electricians. Not to mention the Poet Laureate and the court piper. And that's only one palace. Windsor Castle, the largest inhabited castle in the world, employs over 500 servants; little Blamoral castle in Sotland, pays 50 permanent staff -- and then there are Holyroodhouse, Sandringham House, Kensington and St. James with all their staffs. It's tradition. If you are a Royal, you get to have servants -- a large portion of which are "civil servants," paid for by the British taxpayer.
But Kate and William, bless their working class little hearts, have decided not to have a "staff" . At least not in their own little cottage, I guess. And their reasons are understandable: security from tabloid leaks, and just plain old privacy. I get that.
But there's just one thing I'd like to say: If you don't want 'em, Kate and Bill, I'll take them!
Seriously. I will.
* Check out the other crazy positions ou could apply for at the Royal Court: You could be a Royal Waterman, the Astronomer Royal, the Master of the Horse among others!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Practically Wordless Wednesday

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Slipper Genies meant to dust the floor. Ha! |
A fun time being had by all.
No, really. Even Jon.
A guy doesn't have to know how to hoola hoop to have a good time.
Monday, April 25, 2011
A New Season: Eastertide!
Holy Thursday... then the sobriety and meditation of Good Friday like all things "passed away" and led to... |
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the joy of Easter Sunday! And there's nothing more joyful than Easter morning after a good Lent. :) |
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The Easter table set -- before the spiral ham, broccoli salad, German potato salad, rolls, etc have been added... |
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Cathy making some last minute sugar cookies on Holy Saturday afternoon. |
The Minions were psyched about the jelly beans. |
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L-R: Cathy, William, Anna, Gabe, Theresa |
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Marshmallow Bunny Tree |
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William "toothless" Davis |
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Brrr...cold and rainy Easter day here. Had to move my plants off the wood stove for a welcome fire. But it was cozy! |
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Got some hoola-hoops. These girls know how to hoola that hoop. |
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Aunt Nina, a Holiday Fixture. |
The line Gabe's reading is: Play, Day; We play all day. :) But, actually, we've been doing a lot more vegging on the couch than playing the last couple days. This is a rare literary minute in the midst of the post-Lenten movie marathon at our house. Since our self-imposed Lenten TV ban has been lifted, we've watched: How to Train Your Dragon, Ice Age III, The Sound of Music, Nemo, Monsters vs. Aliens, and Sherlock Holmes.. so far.. We missed our movies! |
And now we sit (and text) and wait for the first wave of our road trip youngin's to arrive from points east. Jon and Michelle are rolling in late this afternoon with two of our adopted children, Carlos and Omar -- hopefully in time for a spaghetti dinner. Then tomorrow another car load of young friends comes to join us and explore Western Colorado before heading back to school next weekend. I'll try to get on with pics during the week!
A Blessed Easter Monday to All!
A Blessed Easter Monday to All!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Blessings!
Pour forth upon us, O Lord, the Spirit of Thy love, that those whom Thou hast filled with the Easter Sacraments may, by Thy goodness, be of one mind. Through Our Lord.. in the unity of the Same Holy Spirit, God...
~ Postcommunion, Easter Vigil Mass
~ Postcommunion, Easter Vigil Mass
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Waiting for the dough to rise...
...for our Hot Cross Buns...
Dan's sauteeing the" faux lamb" for our Maundy Thursday dinner. Don't tell the kids, but I just couldn't justify paying $9.00 a pound for lamb, so we're using stew meat... I'm so raising my own sheep for next year. Instead of having the roast lamb and fingerling potatoes and asparagus like we did for years, we stumbled upon a new tradition last year of having a curry dish instead. Dan and half the kids don't like lamb, so masking the flavor -- when we actually really have lamb does the trick. This year it's not even lamb, though. (Teehee) Wonder who's going to complain because they can still taste the lamb?
Maundy Thursday
*Finish up the spring cleaning started Monday
between 2 and 3 pm to accomodate fasting for Maundy Thursday Mass at 6:00
Lamb , asparagus with hollandaise, herbed fingerling potatoes, hot cross buns (our non-sweet version) wine
Faux lamb curry over rice
Good Friday
Friday is a quiet day. As much as we are able, we speak in quiet voices and as little as possible, in memory of the solemn events in Christ's life on good Friday. The two little boys have nasty colds, so they need to be home, but Dan will go with the big girls to the Good Friday services at our parish, while I babysit the boys. We'll read the Passion story in our children's Bible and color some images of Our Lord on the cross and be as quiet and subdued as we can. Then, when everyone's home, we'll have the remainder of the Hot Cross buns with a simple clear broth vegetable soup that I'll start before we leave. Then we'll watch The Passion.
Holy Saturday
* Preparation and decoration day. We usually watch Jesus of Nazareth while we work this day. (We've often started it on Maundy Thursday and we finish it today) We'll bring out our spring wreaths and decorations. Deck out Our Lady's niche with flowers and ribbons. Make sure everyone's bathed and hair washed by bedtime. Get out everyone's Easter clothes and make sure they're pressed and ready to go for Easter Mass. Color eggs, prepare Easter goodies, and begin work on the Easter feast.
* Of extended family,only Aunt Nina will be here for Easter Day, but that doesn't mean we'll feast any less. We'll spend part of the afternoon preparing potato salad, broccoli salad, and some little Easter Cakes maybe.
*10:30 Paschal Vigil
Easter Sunday
* ...begins for some of us at midnight with Midnight Mass, following the Paschal Vigil,
* Since my sister (Bless her!) is staying home with a contingent, I think only Dan, Theresa and I will attend the Paschal Vigil and Midnight Mass; she'll take everyone else with her to morning Mass.
* When we get back, Dan and I will lay out all the Easter goodies and decorate the dining room table, with a place set for each child with their own special treats. And then, bedtime for us...
* ...and God willing, the children will let us sleep in!
* And then, the fun really begins in the morning. The "candy bar" will be open to all. The house will smell like ham and rolls baking. Since we don't have any of the big kids home before Easter evening -- when John, Michelle, and a slew of roadtrip buddies will roll in -- Dan or I will probably hide the Easter eggs. Then we'll drink coffee, watch movies and eat candy the rest of the day. Maybe play a board game or two. And wait for the crowd to arrive.
Life will be good.
Life is good.
Our best wishes for everyone's Sacred Triduum to be filled with graces!
I'll try to get on and record some more of Abbot Gueranger's meditations on Good Friday, but then I expect I'll be up to my eyeballs until after Easter.... So, if I don't see you 'til After the big day -- Happy, Happy Easter, too!
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Gettin off easy this year... |
Dan's sauteeing the" faux lamb" for our Maundy Thursday dinner. Don't tell the kids, but I just couldn't justify paying $9.00 a pound for lamb, so we're using stew meat... I'm so raising my own sheep for next year. Instead of having the roast lamb and fingerling potatoes and asparagus like we did for years, we stumbled upon a new tradition last year of having a curry dish instead. Dan and half the kids don't like lamb, so masking the flavor -- when we actually really have lamb does the trick. This year it's not even lamb, though. (Teehee) Wonder who's going to complain because they can still taste the lamb?
Having finished one more "last trip" to the store this morning, I think I have just about everything else in order for the rest of the week. I started typing out my list of to-dos to share, but was searching around for last year's Maundy Thursday stational Church link (for the Following the Path post) and realized that I'd already written the list, almost word for word, last year! So here, with a few alterations, it is; this is what we do:
*Finish up the spring cleaning started Monday
between 2 and 3 pm to accomodate fasting for Maundy Thursday Mass at 6:00
Faux lamb curry over rice
At the dinner table, everyone has a glass of wine (or Sprite with a drop of wine) and by Dan's plate we place a basket of hot cross buns (actually in our house they are rolls with a cross cut into the top before baking). After we pray grace, Dan makes the sign of the cross over each bun and hands it down the line until each member of the family has one. Then we eat our buns and drink our wine while Dan reads the Gospel of the Last Supper. After which we eat the rest of the meal. Then, Mass in the evening, after which the oldest of us will take turns at all night adoration.
Good Friday
Friday is a quiet day. As much as we are able, we speak in quiet voices and as little as possible, in memory of the solemn events in Christ's life on good Friday. The two little boys have nasty colds, so they need to be home, but Dan will go with the big girls to the Good Friday services at our parish, while I babysit the boys. We'll read the Passion story in our children's Bible and color some images of Our Lord on the cross and be as quiet and subdued as we can. Then, when everyone's home, we'll have the remainder of the Hot Cross buns with a simple clear broth vegetable soup that I'll start before we leave. Then we'll watch The Passion.
Holy Saturday
* Preparation and decoration day. We usually watch Jesus of Nazareth while we work this day. (We've often started it on Maundy Thursday and we finish it today) We'll bring out our spring wreaths and decorations. Deck out Our Lady's niche with flowers and ribbons. Make sure everyone's bathed and hair washed by bedtime. Get out everyone's Easter clothes and make sure they're pressed and ready to go for Easter Mass. Color eggs, prepare Easter goodies, and begin work on the Easter feast.
* Of extended family,only Aunt Nina will be here for Easter Day, but that doesn't mean we'll feast any less. We'll spend part of the afternoon preparing potato salad, broccoli salad, and some little Easter Cakes maybe.
*10:30 Paschal Vigil
Easter Sunday
* ...begins for some of us at midnight with Midnight Mass, following the Paschal Vigil,
* Since my sister (Bless her!) is staying home with a contingent, I think only Dan, Theresa and I will attend the Paschal Vigil and Midnight Mass; she'll take everyone else with her to morning Mass.
* When we get back, Dan and I will lay out all the Easter goodies and decorate the dining room table, with a place set for each child with their own special treats. And then, bedtime for us...
* ...and God willing, the children will let us sleep in!
* And then, the fun really begins in the morning. The "candy bar" will be open to all. The house will smell like ham and rolls baking. Since we don't have any of the big kids home before Easter evening -- when John, Michelle, and a slew of roadtrip buddies will roll in -- Dan or I will probably hide the Easter eggs. Then we'll drink coffee, watch movies and eat candy the rest of the day. Maybe play a board game or two. And wait for the crowd to arrive.
Life will be good.
Life is good.
Our best wishes for everyone's Sacred Triduum to be filled with graces!
I'll try to get on and record some more of Abbot Gueranger's meditations on Good Friday, but then I expect I'll be up to my eyeballs until after Easter.... So, if I don't see you 'til After the big day -- Happy, Happy Easter, too!
Following the Path to the Cross
With Abbot Gueranger, O.S.B. in the Liturgical Year
Maundy Thursday
The Morning
This is the first day of the Azymes, or feast of the unleavened bread. At sunset, the Jews must eat the Pasch in Jerusalem. Jesus is still in Bethania; but He will return to the city before the hour for the paschal supper. The Law commands this; and until He has abrogated the Law by shedding of His Blood, He wishes to observe its ordinances. He therefore sends two of His disciples to get everything ready for the Pasch, without, however, telling them the great mystery wherewith it is to terminate. We, who know that at this last Supper was instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist, can understand why He sends Peter and John, in preference to any of the other disciples, to prepare what is needed. Peter, who was the first to confess the Divinity of Jesus, represents faith: and John, who leaned upon the breast of the Man-God, represents love. The mystery, which is to be instituted at tonight's Supper is revealed to love by faith. It is this that Jesus would have us learn from His choice of the two apostles; but they themselves see not the intention of their Master.
Jesus, who knows all things tells them by what sign they are to know the house, which He intends to honour with His presence: they have but to follow a man, whom they will see carrying a pitcher of water. The house to which this man is going belongs to a rich Jew, who recognizes Jesus as the Messsias. The two apostles apprise him of their Master's wishes; and immediately he puts at their disposal a large and richly furnished room. It was fitting that the place where the most august mystery was to be instituted should be something above the common. This room, where the reality was to be substituted for all the ancient figures, was far superior to the temple of Jerusalem. In it was to be erected the first altar for the offering up of the clean oblation foretold by the prophet; in it was to commence the Christian priesthood; in it, finally, fifty days later on, the Church of Christ, collected together and visited by the Holy Ghost, was to make herself known to the world, and promulgate the new and universal Covenant of God with men...
During the course of the day, Jesus has entered Jerusalem, with the rest of His disciples: He has found all things prepared. The Paschal Lamb, after being first presented in the temple, has been brought to the house, where Jesus is to celebrate the Supper; it is prepared together with the wild lettuce and the unleavened bread. In a few hours, the divine Master and His disciples will be standing round the table, their loins girt, and staves in their hands: and, for the last time, they will observe the solemn rite prescribed by God to His people when they first went forth from Egypt...
The Mass of Maundy Thursday
Jesus is in the supper chamber, where the Paschal lamb is to be eaten. All the apostles are with Him; Judas is there, also, but his crime is not known to the rest. Jesus approaches the table, on which the lamb is served. His disciples stand around Him. The ceremonies prescribed by God to Moses are religiously observed. At the beginning of the repast, Jesus speaks these words to His apostles: 'With desire I have desired to eat this Pasch with you, before I suffer.' In saying this, He does not imply that the Pasch of this year is intrinsically better than those that have preceded it; but that it is dearer to Him, inasmuch as it is to give rise to the institution of the new Pasch, which He has prepared for mankind, and which He is now going to give them as his last gift; for, as St. John says, having loved His own, who were in the world, He loved them unto the end.
During the repast, Jesus, who reads the hearts of all men, utters these words, which cause great consternation among the disciples: 'Amen I say to you that one of you is about to betray Me: -- he that dippeth his hand with Me in the dish, he shall betray Me.' The sadness with which He speaks is enough to soften any heart; and Judas, who knows his Master's goodness feels that they imply a merciful pardon, if he will but ask it. But no: the passion of avarice has enslaved his soul, and he, like the rest of the apostles, says to Jesus: 'Is it I, Rabbi?' Jesus answers him in a whisper, in order not to compromise him before his brethren: 'Thou has said it!' But Judas yields not. He intends to remain with Jesus, until the hour comes for betraying Him. Thus, the august mystery, which is on the point of being celebrated, is to be insulted by his presence!
As soon as the second repast is over, Jesus suddenly rises, and, to the astonishment of His apostles, takes off his upper garment, girds Himself as a servant with a towel, pours water into a basin, and prepares to wash the feet of the guests. It was the custom, in the east, to wash one's feet before taking part in a feast; it was considered as the very extreme of hospitality, when the master of the house himself did this service to his guest. Jesus is about to regale His apostles with divine banquet; He wishes to treat them with every possible mark of welcome and attention. But in this, as in every other action of His, there is a fund of instruction: He would teach us, by what He is now doing, how great is the purity wherewith we should approach the holy Table. 'He that is washed,' says He, 'needeth not but to wash his feet;' as though He would say: 'The holiness of this Table is such, that those who come to it should not only be free from grievous sins, but they should, moreover, strive to cleanse their souls from those lesser faults, which come from contact with the world, and are like the dust that covers the feet of one that walks on the high-way.' We will explain further on the other teachings conveyed by this action of Our Lord.
It is with Peter, the future head of His Church, that Jesus begins. The apostle protests; he declares that he will never permit his Master to humble himself so low as this: but he is obliged to yield. The other apostles (who, as Peter himself, are reclining upon their couches) receive the same mark of love: Jesus comes to each of them in turn, and washes their feet,. Judas is not excepted: he has just received a second warning from his merciful Master; for Jesus addressing Himself to all the apostles, said to them: 'You are clean, but not all': but the reproach produced no effect upon this hardened heart. Having finished washing the feet of the twelve, Jesus resumes His place, side by side with John.
Then taking a piece of the unleavened bread that had remained over from the feast, He raises His eyes to heaven, blesses the bread, breaks it, and distributes it to His disciples saying to them: 'Take ye, and eat; this is My Body'. The apostles take the bread, which is now changed into the Body of their divine Master; they eat; and Jesus is now not only with them, but in them. But, as this sacred mystery is not only the most holy of the Sacraments, but moreover a true Sacrifice; and as a Sacrifice requires the shedding of blood; our Jesus takes the cup, and changing the wine into His own Blood, He passes it round to His disciples, saying to them: 'Drink ye all, of this; for this is My Blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many, unto remission of sins.' The apostles drink from the sacred chalice thus proffered them! When it comes to Judas, he too partakes of it, but he drinks his own damnation, as he ate his own judgment when he received the Bread of life. Jesus, however, mercifully offers the traitor another grace, by saying, as He gives the cup to His disciples: 'The had of him that betrayeth Me is with Me on the table.'
Peter is struck by Jesus thus frequently alluding to the crime, which is to be committed by one of the twelve. he is determined to find out who the traitor is. Not daring himself to ask Jesus, at whose right hand he is sitting, he makes a sign to John, who is on the other side, and begs him to put the question. John leans on Jesus' breast, and says to Him in a whisper: 'Lord, who is it?' Jesus answers him in equally suppressed tone: 'He to whom I shall reach bread dipped.' And having taken one of the pieces of bread that remained over from the repast, He dipped it, and gave it to Judas. It was one more grace offered and refused, for the evangelist adds: 'And after the morsel, satan entered into him.' Jesus again addresses him saying: 'That which though dost, do quickly.' The wretch then leaves the room, and sets about the perpetration of his crime...
Rites and Customs Peculiar to the Day
Today.. we keep the anniversary, not only of the institution of the holy Eucharist, but also of the equally wonderful institution of the Christian priesthood. To offer the faithful an outward expression of the greatness and the unity of this Supper, which our Saviour gave to His disciples, and, through them, to us, the Church forbids her priests to say private Masses on this day, except in cases of necessity. She would give but one Sacrifice to be offered in each church, at which the other priests are to assist, and receive holy Communion from the hands of the celebrant. When approaching the altar, they put on the stole, the emblem of their priesthood,.
The Mass of Maundy Thursday is one of the most solemn of the year; and although the feast of Corpus Christi is the day for solemnly honouring the mystery of the holy Eucharist, still, the Church would have the anniversary of the last Supper to be celebrated with all possible splendour. The colour of the vestments is white, as it is for Christmas day and Easter Sunday; the decorations of the altar and sanctuary all bespeak joy, and yet, there are several ceremonies during this Mass which show that the holy bride of Christ has not forgotten the Passion of her Jesus, and that this joy is but transient. The priest entones the angelic hymn, Glory be to God in the highest! and the bells ring forth a joyous peal, which continues during the whole of the heavenly canticle: but from that moment they remain silent, and their long silence produces, every heart, a sentiment of holy mournfulness. But why does the Church deprive us, for so many hours of the grand melody of these sweet bells, whose voices cheer us during the rest of the year? It is to show us that this world lost all its melody and joy when its saviour suffered and was crucified...
At Rome, the station is in the Lateran basilica. The metropolitan church both of the holy city and of the world was deservedly chosen for this great day of the reconciliation of sinners and of the consecration of the chrism. The papal function, however, now takes place at the Vatican; and, as we have already stated, the apostolic benediction is given by the sovereign Pontiff from the loggia of St. Peter's.
Maundy Thursday
The Morning
This is the first day of the Azymes, or feast of the unleavened bread. At sunset, the Jews must eat the Pasch in Jerusalem. Jesus is still in Bethania; but He will return to the city before the hour for the paschal supper. The Law commands this; and until He has abrogated the Law by shedding of His Blood, He wishes to observe its ordinances. He therefore sends two of His disciples to get everything ready for the Pasch, without, however, telling them the great mystery wherewith it is to terminate. We, who know that at this last Supper was instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist, can understand why He sends Peter and John, in preference to any of the other disciples, to prepare what is needed. Peter, who was the first to confess the Divinity of Jesus, represents faith: and John, who leaned upon the breast of the Man-God, represents love. The mystery, which is to be instituted at tonight's Supper is revealed to love by faith. It is this that Jesus would have us learn from His choice of the two apostles; but they themselves see not the intention of their Master.
Jesus, who knows all things tells them by what sign they are to know the house, which He intends to honour with His presence: they have but to follow a man, whom they will see carrying a pitcher of water. The house to which this man is going belongs to a rich Jew, who recognizes Jesus as the Messsias. The two apostles apprise him of their Master's wishes; and immediately he puts at their disposal a large and richly furnished room. It was fitting that the place where the most august mystery was to be instituted should be something above the common. This room, where the reality was to be substituted for all the ancient figures, was far superior to the temple of Jerusalem. In it was to be erected the first altar for the offering up of the clean oblation foretold by the prophet; in it was to commence the Christian priesthood; in it, finally, fifty days later on, the Church of Christ, collected together and visited by the Holy Ghost, was to make herself known to the world, and promulgate the new and universal Covenant of God with men...
During the course of the day, Jesus has entered Jerusalem, with the rest of His disciples: He has found all things prepared. The Paschal Lamb, after being first presented in the temple, has been brought to the house, where Jesus is to celebrate the Supper; it is prepared together with the wild lettuce and the unleavened bread. In a few hours, the divine Master and His disciples will be standing round the table, their loins girt, and staves in their hands: and, for the last time, they will observe the solemn rite prescribed by God to His people when they first went forth from Egypt...
The Mass of Maundy Thursday
Jesus is in the supper chamber, where the Paschal lamb is to be eaten. All the apostles are with Him; Judas is there, also, but his crime is not known to the rest. Jesus approaches the table, on which the lamb is served. His disciples stand around Him. The ceremonies prescribed by God to Moses are religiously observed. At the beginning of the repast, Jesus speaks these words to His apostles: 'With desire I have desired to eat this Pasch with you, before I suffer.' In saying this, He does not imply that the Pasch of this year is intrinsically better than those that have preceded it; but that it is dearer to Him, inasmuch as it is to give rise to the institution of the new Pasch, which He has prepared for mankind, and which He is now going to give them as his last gift; for, as St. John says, having loved His own, who were in the world, He loved them unto the end.
During the repast, Jesus, who reads the hearts of all men, utters these words, which cause great consternation among the disciples: 'Amen I say to you that one of you is about to betray Me: -- he that dippeth his hand with Me in the dish, he shall betray Me.' The sadness with which He speaks is enough to soften any heart; and Judas, who knows his Master's goodness feels that they imply a merciful pardon, if he will but ask it. But no: the passion of avarice has enslaved his soul, and he, like the rest of the apostles, says to Jesus: 'Is it I, Rabbi?' Jesus answers him in a whisper, in order not to compromise him before his brethren: 'Thou has said it!' But Judas yields not. He intends to remain with Jesus, until the hour comes for betraying Him. Thus, the august mystery, which is on the point of being celebrated, is to be insulted by his presence!
The legal repast is over. It is followed by a feast, which again brings the disciples around their divine Master. It was the custom in the east, that guests should repose two and two on couches round the table: these have been provided by the disciple who has placed his house at Jesus' service. John is on the same couch as Jesus, so that it is easy for him to lean his head on his Master's breast. Peter is on the next couch, on the other side of Jesus, who is thus between the two disciples whom He had sent, in the morning, to prepare the Pasch, and who, as we have already observed, represent faith and love. The second repast is a sorrowful one, in consequence of Jesus having told the guests that one of them is a traitor. The innocent and affectionate John is overwhelmed with grief, and seeks consolation on the Heart of his dear Lord, whom some one is about to deliver to His enemies.
But the apostles little expect a third supper; Jesus has not told them of His intention; but He has made a promise, and He would fulfil it before His Passion. Speaking, one day, to the people, He had said: 'I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever, and the bread that I will give is My Flesh for the life of the world... My Flesh is meat indeed, and My Blood is drink indeed. He that eateth My Flesh and drinketh My Blood, abideth in Me, and I in him.' The time has come for the fulfilment of this His loving promise. But as it was both His Flesh and His Blood that He promised us, He waited till the time of His sacrifice. His Passion has begun; He is sold to His enemies; His life is already in their hands: -- He may at once, therefore, offer Himself in sacrifice, and give to His disciples the very Flesh and Blood of the Victim.As soon as the second repast is over, Jesus suddenly rises, and, to the astonishment of His apostles, takes off his upper garment, girds Himself as a servant with a towel, pours water into a basin, and prepares to wash the feet of the guests. It was the custom, in the east, to wash one's feet before taking part in a feast; it was considered as the very extreme of hospitality, when the master of the house himself did this service to his guest. Jesus is about to regale His apostles with divine banquet; He wishes to treat them with every possible mark of welcome and attention. But in this, as in every other action of His, there is a fund of instruction: He would teach us, by what He is now doing, how great is the purity wherewith we should approach the holy Table. 'He that is washed,' says He, 'needeth not but to wash his feet;' as though He would say: 'The holiness of this Table is such, that those who come to it should not only be free from grievous sins, but they should, moreover, strive to cleanse their souls from those lesser faults, which come from contact with the world, and are like the dust that covers the feet of one that walks on the high-way.' We will explain further on the other teachings conveyed by this action of Our Lord.
It is with Peter, the future head of His Church, that Jesus begins. The apostle protests; he declares that he will never permit his Master to humble himself so low as this: but he is obliged to yield. The other apostles (who, as Peter himself, are reclining upon their couches) receive the same mark of love: Jesus comes to each of them in turn, and washes their feet,. Judas is not excepted: he has just received a second warning from his merciful Master; for Jesus addressing Himself to all the apostles, said to them: 'You are clean, but not all': but the reproach produced no effect upon this hardened heart. Having finished washing the feet of the twelve, Jesus resumes His place, side by side with John.
Then taking a piece of the unleavened bread that had remained over from the feast, He raises His eyes to heaven, blesses the bread, breaks it, and distributes it to His disciples saying to them: 'Take ye, and eat; this is My Body'. The apostles take the bread, which is now changed into the Body of their divine Master; they eat; and Jesus is now not only with them, but in them. But, as this sacred mystery is not only the most holy of the Sacraments, but moreover a true Sacrifice; and as a Sacrifice requires the shedding of blood; our Jesus takes the cup, and changing the wine into His own Blood, He passes it round to His disciples, saying to them: 'Drink ye all, of this; for this is My Blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many, unto remission of sins.' The apostles drink from the sacred chalice thus proffered them! When it comes to Judas, he too partakes of it, but he drinks his own damnation, as he ate his own judgment when he received the Bread of life. Jesus, however, mercifully offers the traitor another grace, by saying, as He gives the cup to His disciples: 'The had of him that betrayeth Me is with Me on the table.'
Peter is struck by Jesus thus frequently alluding to the crime, which is to be committed by one of the twelve. he is determined to find out who the traitor is. Not daring himself to ask Jesus, at whose right hand he is sitting, he makes a sign to John, who is on the other side, and begs him to put the question. John leans on Jesus' breast, and says to Him in a whisper: 'Lord, who is it?' Jesus answers him in equally suppressed tone: 'He to whom I shall reach bread dipped.' And having taken one of the pieces of bread that remained over from the repast, He dipped it, and gave it to Judas. It was one more grace offered and refused, for the evangelist adds: 'And after the morsel, satan entered into him.' Jesus again addresses him saying: 'That which though dost, do quickly.' The wretch then leaves the room, and sets about the perpetration of his crime...
Rites and Customs Peculiar to the Day
Today.. we keep the anniversary, not only of the institution of the holy Eucharist, but also of the equally wonderful institution of the Christian priesthood. To offer the faithful an outward expression of the greatness and the unity of this Supper, which our Saviour gave to His disciples, and, through them, to us, the Church forbids her priests to say private Masses on this day, except in cases of necessity. She would give but one Sacrifice to be offered in each church, at which the other priests are to assist, and receive holy Communion from the hands of the celebrant. When approaching the altar, they put on the stole, the emblem of their priesthood,.
The Mass of Maundy Thursday is one of the most solemn of the year; and although the feast of Corpus Christi is the day for solemnly honouring the mystery of the holy Eucharist, still, the Church would have the anniversary of the last Supper to be celebrated with all possible splendour. The colour of the vestments is white, as it is for Christmas day and Easter Sunday; the decorations of the altar and sanctuary all bespeak joy, and yet, there are several ceremonies during this Mass which show that the holy bride of Christ has not forgotten the Passion of her Jesus, and that this joy is but transient. The priest entones the angelic hymn, Glory be to God in the highest! and the bells ring forth a joyous peal, which continues during the whole of the heavenly canticle: but from that moment they remain silent, and their long silence produces, every heart, a sentiment of holy mournfulness. But why does the Church deprive us, for so many hours of the grand melody of these sweet bells, whose voices cheer us during the rest of the year? It is to show us that this world lost all its melody and joy when its saviour suffered and was crucified...
Another rite peculiar to today is the consecration of two Hosts during the Mass. One of these the priests receives in Communion; the other he reserves and reverently places it in a chalice, which he covers with a veil. The reason for this is that tomorrow the Church suspends the daily Sacrifice. Such is the impression produced by the anniversary of our Saviour's death, that the Church dares not to renew upon her altars the immolation which was then offered on Calvary; or rather, her renewal of it will be by fixing all her thoughts on the terrible scene of that Friday noon The Host reserved from today's Mass, will be her morrow's participation. This rite is called the Mass of the Presanctified, because, in it, the priest does not consecrate, but only receives the Host consecrated on the previous day...
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