The first couple dozen or so....
I need to make a list of my lists. And, oh yeah: look at them occasionally. |
This house has an unusual amount of floor space. And it's all in need of a Mom cleaning. Ugh. |
I have a closet full of ironing I've been ignoring. |
There are a million things I'd like to research for our learning adventures this year -- and I haven't corrected a word of Theresa's Jane Austen studies yet. |
The girls cleaned their closet yesterday... but mine is a mess! |
I mentioned the floors, right? |
And the garage sale I'm not organized enough to make materialize? |
And the 13-odd black kittens I need to sell, give away, or convince to relocate? |
Sleep would be good. |
I need to hunt out a good music study for the kiddos' homeschooling. Problem being, they're all more musical than I am, and I have to teach it 'cause we can't afford outside lessons at the moment... |
And as if all that isn't enough, I've been an awfully bad blogger lately, and have tons to catch up on right here... |
Like how Paul is home safe and sound from Afghanistan -- and enjoying the California sunshine and green grass with his loving wife and baby, Gavin! (Thank-you, dear God!) And how he and the family were here for a good long visit, only just leaving for home the end of last week. And how he just found out that he has to go out on a six week assignment in Jordan in November... (sigh....) |
I've neglected to mention, also, how much I love cartoon grandma, Maxine, and how that is a really good thing because on October 1st she will be moving in with us -- or at least her real-life, funnier, Catholic counterpart, our 83-years-young friend, June, will be moving in with us and joining our family in October. |
And I haven't shared the news about our Michelle-y who is currently visiting a family in Austria, for whom she may be "nannying" next summer. (We miss our Shelly!) |
And I'm not sure I've blogged about how Dominic (here about 7 years old, but actually turning nineteen next week!) is home from the seminary for a while to recover from the effects of Epstein Barr Virus... |
OH! And did I mention the good news about Dan's job? Like how it looks like he got one! |
And the bad news about that -- which is: It's in Lost Vegas. Snarl. (We are not moving to Vegas.) |
Sigh. |
But, besides the blogging... Yeah. Lots of Laundry to catch up on. Did I mention that already? |
And inventory my pantry to tuck in for winter.
I really need to clean the fridges, too. (Bleck.)
Gosh, it'd be nice to finish just one of the six or eight books I've started since last spring... |
And I'm always just on the verge of starting a diet and actually losing weight. |
But it's all good. Things will shake out. And maybe eventually slow down, calm down, even out. Like a good priest friend of ours says: It's going to be alright in the end; if it's not alright, it's not the end. And even at the most hectic, I sorta figure that, if in the midst of swimming through all the debris that I'm supposed to be organizing in my world, I can still:
+ tickle William and get a good "jack-o-lantern" grin out of him
+ recognize the season by the bright colors -- and by the victory march of awesome saints through the fall calendar
+ curl up with a good Mythbusters re-run on Netflix at bedtime and get a backrub from my ever-patient and loving husband (Even if it's only on weekends now that he'll be commuting to Nevada..).
+ get the tour of the latest Gabriel-built creation, or read the latest addition to Theresa's "Hen Tales" stories, or sample Cathy's baking forays, or listen to Anna's kitty adventures
+ pick the childrens voices out of the choir on Sunday
+ enjoy a good, strong cuppa Starbux freshly ground whole bean French Roast java fresh from the pot first thing in the morning
+ fenagle an excuse to get or make a pumpkin spice latte!.
+ tick off the beads of my special-made ladder rosary as each of my five littlest prays the Aves
+ get texts from my big boys and my sistah, and skype with Michelle on weekends
+ drive the kids crazy by closing the book at the end of a cliff-hanger chapter -- not to be continued until tomorrow...
+ drink in the beauty of this Colorado valley we get to live in,and know that God meant for it to soothe the soul
+ remember that I am in the palm of His Hand, even when I'm so distracted, I don't know He's there.