The last three days of this week -- Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday -- are known as the Sacred Triduum and comprise the core of Holy Week, the most solemn week of the liturgical year, following the last days of Christ, from Judas' machinations prior to the Last Supper, on through the Passion, death, and finally, the great feast of the Resurrection on Sunday.

Remove all the extraneous decorations around our statues, take down any winter decorations, including the Palm Sunday picture we hung on Sunday. Take our winter blankets off the backs of our couches; clean out the wood stove and store the wood basket until next fall. Sweep, mop, clean the windows, etc.

Easter Sunday

* When we got back from midnight Mass, Dan and I would lay out all the Easter goodies and decorate the dining room table, with a place set for each child with their own special treats. And then, at long last, bedtime for us...