Sunday, May 31, 2020
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Hellos and Goodbyes
I hate goodbyes. The older you get, the more there are -- or the more you notice them maybe. Time marches on, though, because the earth turns its back on the sun every day, and it's all good; our darkness is someone else's light. Most goodbyes also mean hellos in some way or another.
Living near Omaha, which is a hub of the CMRI (Congregation Maria Regina Immaculata), we get the privilege of meeting the new seminarians to the priesthood here and the postulants to the CMD (the Sisters of the Congration Mater Dei) and getting to know them at least a little bit (they're very busy!). We grow close to our pastors, and the Religious teachers of the school, and we get to know the school children -- especially the boarding girls who live right down the road from us. It's a grace and a pleasure to make friends with so many wonderful Catholics! But, the flip side of that is that most of them are only here for a time -- and then move on. It's pretty sad!
We miss our ow
n children and family, of course, who live in far-flung places (Kevvy and his family in Germany, Paul and his family in Minnesota; Dominic and his family in Denver; Fr. Philip and our two young minor seminarians in Idaho; and Sr. Antonia in Arizona), but we have the added, continual burden of also missing our far-away former-boarder-kid friends -- all over the world! And the priests and sisters who get reassigned! It's always rather jarring to the whole Omaha parish when our long-familiar, beloved Religious move away, but we let them go knowing that our loss is someone else's gain. Big time.

So it was with a bittersweet pang that we "sang out' Fr. Timothy Geckle this week at a Bon Voyage. party with the Mater Dei choir members. If you know the Davises, you know we're all about the choir. And so is Fr. Geckle, our friend of -- goodness, half his life, I think! How we'll miss him in every way -- not the least of which is hearing his voice at High Mass or benefitting from his conducting the choir (a tremendous talent of his!). His fellow priests and the seminarians and we parishioners, his friends, will miss his wisdom and his humor, and heaven knows the school children will cry to lose him as a teacher. And we'll all just miss the twinkle in his eye.
But, we trust him to you, Sacred Heart parish with every confidence that you'll appreciate Father as much as we do: all those admirable attributes, plus the consecrated hands that will bring Our Lord down upon the altar daily now in beautiful Mountain View, Arkansas. Our goodbye equals so many Divine Hellos there.
Friday, May 29, 2020
Nothing more need be said -- but watch as I say more. (wink) You know it's a subject near and dear to my heart. As parents, it's what we'll be judged upon, regardless of where we live, how much money we make, the schools available to us or not, how scholarly we are or are not: how seriously do we take the priority of Christ in every decision we make for our family? When our children become adults and look back on their childhoods, will the golden threads of the Faith be the form and sense and beauty that weaves together their fondest memories? Will they know that our choices for them revolved around trying very hard to always do God's will? Will their faith be their natural solace in sorrow, their strength in difficulty and temptation? Their home? The happy place they want to reproduce in their own families?
God is never to be outdone in generosity. The world may fail us, our children may even disappoint us, but in the end, if we've given all we could in good faith, putting Him first, He will not fail us. He won't fail them, either. As much as we love our children, God loves them so much more. If we've learned that, we've learned everything.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Wherein Lisa Tries to Justify Her Existence on Blogger
Some time ago (gosh, I thi
nk it's been a year and a half now!), I set out to record our son, Kevin's, wedding photos here on AWTY (for posterity, you know!), but we didn't have a secure internet connection at that time, and after painstakingly choosing and setting up a host of photographs and captions, I turned my head in the wrong direction, the static electricity in my kinky hair disturbed the cosmic electrons between my laptop and the interweb -- and ZAP! the whole long post disappeared from the face of the earth. (It's probably all floating somewhere up in hyperspace, along with the lingering strains of Ave Maria: wedding party, Lace Constance, Franziskankirche, lederhosen, schnitzel and all.) Anyway, it was at about this point that I said "hooey" and slowed my blogging down almost to a stop. It was just too frustrating.
In spite of the loopy internet, we never did lose the Facebook feed, though (my husband explained why, but don't ask me what he said...) -- and I've spent a lot of time over there the last couple years. Because I'm at heart a communicator (can't help myself), it's probably been too much time sometimes (grimace) -- but not time necessarily wasted, really. Because, you see, it's like this: most of my friends, old and new, have FB accounts and it's an easy place to default for basic news, humor, and 'low-responsibility' social interaction. With my house so quiet these days (still another post!) and because I am sometimes pinned down by Lyme's, it serves me well on a human level (because I have a very carefully vetted friends list, for one thing), and as a writer, it's a very quick, fairly high-impact venue for the work I put into it (practically none).
Good, bad, or indifferent, FB (along with Twitter, etc) is the "fast food" of co
mmunication: cheap calories without much nutrition most of the time. At times, it's just downright poison -- if you don't manage your friends list well. And I have to justify my time spent just a bit. Done well -- with faithful, upbeat, encouraging, truth-seeking friends -- FB by far beats listening to pop radio or watching CNN or Netflix. When one's vocational obligations are taken care of it can fill some gaps, but it's far inferior to reading a good book, participating in a sport or hobby, or visiting with a real friend, of course. But, in and of itself, it's not necessarily an evil. My opinion, mind you -- but I've found it to be so. Like any media, it has to be carefully managed.
To get back to my point, though: people don't generally go to FB for deep thoughts. If a post is more than a paragraph long and doesn't have pictures, less than 20% of people stop scrolling to actually read, 60% of folks who share a news headline* haven't even read the article, and when they do, the average time spent on a post is a whopping 37 seconds! I can't find the statistic that shows how many readers seek out blogs without having first been linked by fast food media, but I'm fairly certain it's a very small number -- certainly fewer folks than a decade ago before social media like FB became all the rage.
So, why blog?
I've decided to get back in the saddle because:
* Mark Zuckerberg doesn't own or influence my blog content. Nothing I post here is subject to liberal bias, social posturing, or fake fact-checking censorship.
* Think about it. Facebook markets user content; bloggers' content does its own marketing. Blogs are
"searchable," in other words, making a blogger "findable." FB doesn't work that way.
* Content has a longer shelf life in a blog. I'm still getting daily hits on articles I wrote ten years ago!
* FB updates average about 60 characters -- which translates down to about 25 words per post -- and allow minimal variability of content, limited to pictures and text or video and text only: no mix and match of pictures, polls, videos, and texts -- very little creativity. Think straight-jacket.

* A blog functions more efficiently as a searchable log -- or time capsule -- than FB, with more detail in chronological order. In a personal blog, the story of a family can be read almost like a book written in first-person present. Talk about nostalgia! I can trace back to when my oldest boys were the ages of
my youngest boys on this blog and prove I don't spoil the youngest two! (Ha!)
* Though blogs may have fewer total eyes on them, the eyes that do take the trouble to follow a link or subscribe to a blog take more time there -- and are generally more interested in complete thoughts, complex sentences, and cerebral connections with other thinking humans.
Not that I'm all that cerebral. Don't get your hopes up! But there is so much to explore on God's good earth, in our beautiful Catholic faith, in the heart of the family, and in my own still-learning 55-year-old head that a 25 word FB post cannot do justice to.* It's worth taking the time to write it all down - and find pictures for illustration (the really fun part)! I miss the days when so many of my blogger friends shared thoughts and time with one another! I'm hoping those days haven't
completely passed. Maybe they haven't! If you stop by, do please sign the "guestbook" in the combox below to get the ball rolling again. Just say hi and give me a link to your blog if you have one -- or another blog that you enjoy that you'd like to share. I'd like to spend more quality time on the blog front porch with other Catholic families than drive-by waving on FB.
* Yes, Anna, that is a dangling preposition. Do we need to have this
talk again?

In spite of the loopy internet, we never did lose the Facebook feed, though (my husband explained why, but don't ask me what he said...) -- and I've spent a lot of time over there the last couple years. Because I'm at heart a communicator (can't help myself), it's probably been too much time sometimes (grimace) -- but not time necessarily wasted, really. Because, you see, it's like this: most of my friends, old and new, have FB accounts and it's an easy place to default for basic news, humor, and 'low-responsibility' social interaction. With my house so quiet these days (still another post!) and because I am sometimes pinned down by Lyme's, it serves me well on a human level (because I have a very carefully vetted friends list, for one thing), and as a writer, it's a very quick, fairly high-impact venue for the work I put into it (practically none).
Good, bad, or indifferent, FB (along with Twitter, etc) is the "fast food" of co

To get back to my point, though: people don't generally go to FB for deep thoughts. If a post is more than a paragraph long and doesn't have pictures, less than 20% of people stop scrolling to actually read, 60% of folks who share a news headline* haven't even read the article, and when they do, the average time spent on a post is a whopping 37 seconds! I can't find the statistic that shows how many readers seek out blogs without having first been linked by fast food media, but I'm fairly certain it's a very small number -- certainly fewer folks than a decade ago before social media like FB became all the rage.
So, why blog?
I've decided to get back in the saddle because:
* Mark Zuckerberg doesn't own or influence my blog content. Nothing I post here is subject to liberal bias, social posturing, or fake fact-checking censorship.
* Think about it. Facebook markets user content; bloggers' content does its own marketing. Blogs are
"searchable," in other words, making a blogger "findable." FB doesn't work that way.
* Content has a longer shelf life in a blog. I'm still getting daily hits on articles I wrote ten years ago!
* FB updates average about 60 characters -- which translates down to about 25 words per post -- and allow minimal variability of content, limited to pictures and text or video and text only: no mix and match of pictures, polls, videos, and texts -- very little creativity. Think straight-jacket.

* A blog functions more efficiently as a searchable log -- or time capsule -- than FB, with more detail in chronological order. In a personal blog, the story of a family can be read almost like a book written in first-person present. Talk about nostalgia! I can trace back to when my oldest boys were the ages of
my youngest boys on this blog and prove I don't spoil the youngest two! (Ha!)
* Though blogs may have fewer total eyes on them, the eyes that do take the trouble to follow a link or subscribe to a blog take more time there -- and are generally more interested in complete thoughts, complex sentences, and cerebral connections with other thinking humans.
Not that I'm all that cerebral. Don't get your hopes up! But there is so much to explore on God's good earth, in our beautiful Catholic faith, in the heart of the family, and in my own still-learning 55-year-old head that a 25 word FB post cannot do justice to.* It's worth taking the time to write it all down - and find pictures for illustration (the really fun part)! I miss the days when so many of my blogger friends shared thoughts and time with one another! I'm hoping those days haven't
completely passed. Maybe they haven't! If you stop by, do please sign the "guestbook" in the combox below to get the ball rolling again. Just say hi and give me a link to your blog if you have one -- or another blog that you enjoy that you'd like to share. I'd like to spend more quality time on the blog front porch with other Catholic families than drive-by waving on FB.
* Yes, Anna, that is a dangling preposition. Do we need to have this
talk again?
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Meet-n-Greet: Ella
Some temperaments don't like things just sprung upon them. That's just how it is sometimes. But don't be fooled by the grumpy first impression when they're jolted by the unexpected (especially after having just awakened from a nap.)
Change is hard. A girl needs some time to...
...wrap her brain around a new idea...
...a novel concept...
...a change in routine...
...another little sibling thrown in the mix... do one's bidding!
This Happened!
So. Last weekend, Michelle and Ben left the three little girls with us so they could take advantage of what they figured would be their last chance at a getaway before the new baby came along. But... you know that saying: the best laid plans of mice and men...? They left Saturday morning with a relaxed weekend idea in their minds and came back Monday with a beautiful bouncing baby boy in their arms, three weeks early, but perfect and beautiful!
Here he is, at 6 lbs, 11 oz and 20" long, the first Davis grandson since Gavin Joseph, our very first grandchild ten years ago:
Here he is, at 6 lbs, 11 oz and 20" long, the first Davis grandson since Gavin Joseph, our very first grandchild ten years ago:
Quintus Joseph Landsgaard,
Michelle and Ben's fourth child, first son; our ninth grandchild, second grandson!
God is good! A fact especially obvious when He gifts us with these new little souls to care for and love. They are a little bit of heaven on earth!
Happy Blessed Feast of the Ascension!
"He that descended is the same also that ascended above all the heavens,
that He might fill all things."
(Ephesians 4:10)
Heads up:
The Novena of the Holy Ghost before Pentecost Begins Tomorrow!
The novena in honor of the Holy Ghost is the oldest of all novenas. When Our Lord sent His Apostles to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Ghost on the first Pentecost, the nine days waiting and praying constituted, at Jesus' direction, the first novena. The only novena officially prescribed by the Church, it addresses the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity in a powerful plea for the wisdom, fortitude and charity so sorely needed by every Christian in every age. To encourage devotion to the Holy Ghost, the Church has enriched this novena with the following indulgences:
The faithful who devoutly assist at the public novena in honor of the Holy Ghost immediately preceding the Feast of Pentecost may gain:
An indulgence of 10 years on any day of the novena;
A plenary indulgence if they take part in at least five of the exercises, and moreover, go to confession, and receive Holy Communion.
Every day say:
ACT OF CONSECRATION On my knees / before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses / I offer myself, soul and body / to Thee O Eternal Spirit of God. / I adore the brightness of Thy purity / the unerring keeness of Thy justice / and the might of Thy love. Thou art the Strength / and Light of my soul. / In Thee I live and move and am. / I desire never to grieve Thee / Mercifully guard my every thought / and grant that I may always watch for Thy light / and listen to Thy voice / and follow Thy graciuos inspirations. / I cling to Thee / and give myself to Thee / and ask Thee / by Thy compassion / to watch over me in my weakness. / Holding the pierced feet of Jesus / and looking at His five Wounds / and trusting in His Precious Blood / and adoring His opened side and stricken Heart / I implore Thee / Adorable Spirit / Helper of my imfirmity, / so to keep me in Thy grace / that I may never sin against Thee. / Give me grace / O Holy Ghost, / Spirit of the Father and of the Son / to say to Thee always and everywhere / "Speak, Lord / for Thy servant heareth."
Then add:
PRAYER FOR THE SEVEN GIFTS O Lord Jesus Christ / Who, before ascending into heaven / did promise to send the Holy Ghost / to finish Thy work / in the souls of Thine Apostles and Disciples / deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to me / that He may perfect in my soul / the work of Thy grace and Thy love. / Grant me the Spirit of Wisdom / that I may despise the perishable things of this world / and aspire only after the things / that are eternal, / the Spirit of Counsel / that I may ever choose / the surest way of pleasing God / and gaining heaven, / the Spirit of Fortitude / that I may bear my cross with Thee / and that I may overcome with courage all the obstacles that oppose my salvation, / the Spirit of Knowledge that I may know God and know myself / and grow perfect in the science of the Saints, / the Spirit of Piety / that I may find the service of God sweet and amiable, / the Spirit of Fear of the Lord / that I may be filled with a loving reverence towards God, and may dread in any way to displease Him. / Mark me, dear Lord, / with the sign of Thy true disciples / and animate me in all things with Thee.
FIRST DAYHoly Spirit! Lord of light!
From Thy clear celestial height,
Thy pure beaming radiance give!The Holy Ghost Only one thing is important ~ eternal salvation. Only one thing, therefore, is to be feared ~ sin. Sin is the result of ignorance, weakness, and indifference. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Light, of Strength, and of Love. With His sevenfold gifts He enlightens the mind, strengthens the will, and inflames the heart with love of God. To ensure our salvation we ought to invoke the Divine Spirit daily, for "The Spirit helpeth our infirmity. We know not what we should pray for as we ought. But the Spirit Himself asketh for us."
Prayer Almighty and eternal God, Who hast vouchsafed to regenerate us by water and the Holy Ghost, and hast given us forgiveness of all sins, vouchsafe to send forth from heaven upon us Thy sevenfold Spirit; the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Fortitude, the Spirit of Knowledge and Piety, and fill us with the Spirit of Holy Fear. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary - ONCE
Glory be to the Father - SEVEN TIMES
Act of Consecration and Prayer for the Seven Gifts - ONCE
Come Thou, Father of the poor!
Come, treasure which endure!
Come Thou, Light of all that live!The Gift of Holy Fear The gift of Fear fills us with a sovereign respect for God, and makes us dread nothing so much as to offend Him by sin. It is a fear that arises, not from the thought of hell, but from sentiments of reverence and filial submission to our heavenly Father. It is the fear that is the beginning of wisdom, detaching us from worldly pleasures that could in any way separate us from God. "They that fear the Lord will prepare their hearts, and in His sight will sanctify their souls."
Prayer Come, O blessed Spirit of Holy Fear, penetrate my inmost heart, that I may set Thee, my Lord and God, before my face forever; help me to shun all things that can offend Thee, and make me worthy to appear before the pure eyes of Thy Divine Majesty in heaven where Thou livest and reignest in the unity of the Blessed Trinity, God, world without end. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary - ONCE
Glory be to the Father - SEVEN TIMES
Act of Consecration and Prayer for the Seven Gifts - ONCE
Thou, of all consolers, best,
Visiting the troubled breast,
Dost refreshing peace bestow.The Gift of Piety The gift of Piety begets in our hearts a filial affection for God as our most loving Father. It inspires us to love and respect for His sake, persons and things consecrated to Him, as well as those who are vested with His authority: His Blessed Mother and the Saints, The Church and its visible Head, our parents and superiors, our country and its rulers. He who is filled with the gift of Piety finds the practice of his religion, not a burdensome duty, but a delightful service. Where there is love, there is no labor.
Prayer Come, O Blessed Spirit of Piety, possess my heart. Enkindle therein such a love for God that I may find satisfaction only in His service, and for His sake, lovingly submit to all legitimate authority. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary - ONCE
Glory be to the Father - SEVEN TIMES
Act of Consecration and Prayer for the Seven Gifts - ONCE
Thou in toil art comfort sweet;
Pleasant coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.The Gift of Piety By the gift of Fortitude the soul is strengthened against natural fear, and supported to the end in the performance of duty. Fortitude imparts to the will, an impulse and energy which move it to undertake without hesitancy, the most arduous tasks, to face dangers, to trample under foot, human respect, and to endure without complaint, the slow martyrdom of even lifelong tribulation. "He that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved."
Prayer Come, O Blessed Spirit of Fortitude, uphold my soul in time of trouble and adversity, sustain my efforts after holiness, strengthen my weakness, give me courage against all the assaults of my enemies, that I may never be overcome, and separated from Thee, my God and greatest good. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary - ONCE
Glory be to the Father - SEVEN TIMES
Act of Consecration and Prayer for the Seven Gifts - ONCE
Light immortal! Light Divine!
Visit Thou these hearts of Thine,
And our inmost being fill!The Gift of Knowledge The gift of Knowledge enables the soul to evaluate created things at their true worth ~ in their relation to God. Knowledge unmasks the pretence of creatures, reveals their emptiness, and points out their only true purpose as instruments in the service of God. It shows us the loving care of God even in adversity, and directs us to glorify Him in every circumstance of life. Guided by its light, we put first things first, and prize the friendship of God beyond all else. "Knowledge is a fountain of life to him that possesseth it."
Prayer Come, O Blessed Spirit of Knowledge, and grant that I may perceive the will of the Father; show me the nothingness of earthly things, that I may realize their vanity and use them only for Thy glory and my own salvation, looking ever beyond them to Thee, and Thy eternal rewards. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary - ONCE
Glory be to the Father - SEVEN TIMES
Act of Consecration and Prayer for the Seven Gifts - ONCE
If Thou take Thy grace away,
Nothing pure in man will stay,
All his good is turned to ill.The Gift of Understanding Understanding, as a gift of the Holy Ghost, helps us to grasp the meaning of the truths of our holy religion. By faith we kinow them, but by Understanding we learn to appreciate and relish them. It enables us to penetrate the inner meaning of revealed truths, and through them to be quickened to newness of life. Our faith ceases to be sterile and inactive, but inspires a mode of life that bears eloquent testimony to the faith that is in us; we begin to "walk worthy of God, in all things pleasing, and increasing in the knowledge of God."
Prayer Come, O Spirit of Understanding, and enlighten our minds, that we may know and believe all the mysteries of salvation; and may merit at last to see the eternal light in Thy Light; and in the light of glory, to have a clear vision of Thee and the Father and the Son. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary - ONCE
Glory be to the Father - SEVEN TIMES
Act of Consecration and Prayer for the Seven Gifts - ONCE
Heal our wounds ~ our strength renew;
Onour dryness pour Thy dew!
Wash the stains of guilt away!The Gift of Counsel The gift of Counsel endows the soul with supernatural prudence, enabling it to judge promptly and rightly, what must be done, especially in difficult circumstances. Counsel applies the principles furnished by Knowledge and Understanding, to the innumerable concrete cases that confront us in the course of our daily duty as parents, teachers, public servants, and Christian citizens. Counsel is supernatural common sense, a priceless treasure in the quest of salvation. "Above all these things, pray to the Most High, that He may direct thy way in truth."
Prayer Come, O Spirit of Counsel, help and guide me in all my ways, that I may always do Thy holy will. Incline my heart to that which is good; turn it away from all that is evil, and direct me by the straight path of Thy commandments to that goal of eternal life for which I long. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary - ONCE
Glory be to the Father - SEVEN TIMES
Act of Consecration and Prayer for the Seven Gifts - ONCE
Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray!The Gift of Wisdom Embodying all the other gifts, as charity embraces all the other virtues, Wisdom is the most perfect of the gifts. Of Wisdom it is written, "all good things come to me with her, and innumerable riches, through her hands." It is the gift of Wisdom that strengthens our faith, fortifies hope, perfectss charity, and promotes the practice of virtue in the highest degree. Wisdom enlightens the mind to discern and relish things divine, in the appreciation of which earthly joys lose their savor, whilst the Cross of Christ yields a divine sweetness according to the words of the Saviour: "Take up thy cross and follow me, for my yoke is sweet and my burden light."
Prayer Come, O Spirit of Wisdom, and reveal to my soul the mysteries of heavenly things, their exceeding greatness, power, and beauty. Teach me to love them above and beyond all the passing joys and satisfactions of earth. Help me to attain them and possess them foreven. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary - ONCE
Glory be to the Father - SEVEN TIMES
Act of Consecration and Prayer for the Seven Gifts - ONCE
Thou, on those who evermore
Thee confess, and Thee adore,
In Thy sevenfold gifts, descend:
Give them comfort when they die;
Give them life with Thee on high;
Give them joys which never end. Amen.The Fruits of the Holy Ghost The gifts of the Holy Ghost perfect the supernatural virtues by enabling us to practice them with greater docility to divine inspiration. As we grow in the knowledge and love of God under the direction of the Holy Ghost, our service becomes more sincere and generous, the practice of virtue, more perfect. Such acts of virtue leave the heart filled with joy and consolation, and are known as Fruits of the Holy Ghost. These Fruits in turn render the practice of virtue more attractive, and become a powerful incentive for still greater efforet in the service of God, to serve Whom is to reign.
Prayer Come, O Divine Spirit, fill my heart with Thy heavenly fruits: charity, joy, peace, patience, long-suffering, benignity, goodness, faith, mildness, and modesty, continency and chastity, that I may never weary in the service of God, but by continued faithful submission to Thy inspiration, may merit to be united eternally with Thee in the love of the Father and the Son. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary - ONCE
Glory be to the Father - SEVEN TIMES
Act of Consecration and Prayer for the Seven Gifts - ONCE
Monday, May 4, 2020
A Blessed Ordination Anniversary!
Two years ago today, our son, Fr. Philip Marie, CMRI received Holy Orders.
I love that phrase. Before this day, the last Sacrament he was initiated into was Confirmation, when he became a soldier of Christ -- and on this day in 2018, he got his orders. His holy assignment.
Having completed years of study and pretty much constant work in the field, his promotion to the priesthood made him a leader and a resource in the most vital of services to mankind: administering to the salvation of our souls. A heavy responsibility.
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Please pray for him and all our priests! The harvest is great, but the laborers few.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Thirty-three Years Ago...
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Lisa and Dan
April, 1987
* Cable TV was cutting edge and considered racy and dangerous; MTV was all the rage; televisions were fat and boxy; only VHS tapes -- no dvds or blueray.
* Dan was finishing up his bachelors degree in accounting at the University of Denver, before going on to achieve his Masters degree in Business, while working at the DU sports department and editing the sports pages at the school paper; I was just finishing off a year as the editor-in-chief of the school paper and half-way through my senior year, with a triple major in English, but I never did graduate and get the piece of paper. I went on, instead, to get married, have our first baby -- then advanced to the higher degree of Homemaker and "Superfamily Mom" of ten.
* Top grossing movies at the box office: Three Men and a Baby (Tom Sellek, Ted Danson, Steve Gutenberg); Lethal Weapon (Mel Gibson & Danny Glover), Fatal Attraction (Glenn Close & Michael Douglas), and The Untouchables (Kevin Kostner & Sean Connery).
* Top Forty Pop hits of the year were: Walk Like an Egyptian (The Bangles), Alone (Heart), and I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Whitney Houston)' Michael Jackson's album Bad hit the shelves in this year.
* In news: Reagan's famous "Berlin Wall" speech in west Berlin; DNA evidence was used for the first time to convict a criminal; there was a significant global stock market crash (22.6% drop in one day in October; televangelist, Jim Baker, mired in scandal; first ever episode of The Simpsons; work on the "Chunnel" began; disposable contact lenses first marketed; one second removed from clocks worldwide to adjust the Gregorian calendar; Margaret Thatcher won seat as prime minister of UK for the third time; Fox Broadcasting Company made its debut.
* In fashion: tassel loafers, Doc Martins, and boat shoes; patterned knit sweaters (ala Dr. Huxtable in the popular Cosby Show); parachute pants; bangle watches; "big shirts" and stirrup leggings; padded shoulders (men and women); preppy, button-down, pastels; alternatively, the Goth look; big hair; mullets; beards out/mustaches in; Don Johnson "stubble" look.
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Lisa and Dan
April, 2020
Now: May, 2020
* Dan and I both have smartphones and very often wish we didn't. They certainly don't make us smarter. FYI for anyone who doesn't already know: I never ever check my cellphone messages (just like I never remembered to check my answering machine in the '90s): leave me a text if you want to get ahold of me. ;)
* We have Netflix and Amazon Prime movies on our "smart" TV -- sort of by default -- but almost never find anything decent to watch on them -- and very often default to our own dvd collection, if we watch anything at all; have two flat-screen televisions, though, and a projector with a big screen that we could pull down in the pub if we wanted to (but we never do; not sure it's even hooked up...); most often, we listen to podcasts, sermons, or books on tape while doing housework or whatever.
* Last movies we went to see in a theater: Knives Out (loved it -- but with caveats); Dr. Doolittle (eh.) Looking forward to Death on the Nile this fall!
* In fashion in *our* world: button down shirts and khakis or blue jeans (Dan); ankle-length skirts and anything green (me); princess dresses (the seven granddaughters).
* Top musical hits in our house: The soundtrack to Murder on the Orient Express and A Beautiful Mind; In Praise of Mary (Mater Dei Men's Choir); Patty Page tunes on my Amazon playlist; Cathy and Anna (and anyone else who comes by) always eventually rolling into some kind of harmony somewhere -- either over dishes at the sink or around the piano or campfire.
* In world news: Everything coronavirus -- though we're trying to ignore it (trying, anyway; not succeeding); the upcoming presidential election (rooting for Trump, of course, and worried about the nefarious powers out to take control); all that is or is not pertinent about Q-anon
* In real news: Mass and the Holy Eucharist available again in Omaha with more minimal restrictions a week from Monday (Woot!); two new grandbabies due this summer (Michelle and Ben expecting a little boy in June -- after three girls! And Dominic and Monica expecting their second little girl in August -- which will add up to 10 grandchildren!); Anna graduated from high school - sorta! -- hope to get her class together this fall maybe -- and have a real graduation ceremony for them!); our little terrier/bichon, Dawsey, drinking my coffee whenever I turn my head (the little stinker); the front porch rebuild by Dominic, Anna, and Isabel M during Holy Week -- and how we now have to rebuild or remove the old planters that used to front it; how our vegetable garden still needs completed planning and planting; our new (to us) car -- a VW Passat turbo diesel (fun to drive!); gearing up for the "make-good" wedding reception for Cathy and Louis (married April 4th) in October (it's going to be a blast!); and, last but not least, Dan's and my anniversary trip to Arkansas next week, to a cabin in the woods, with no wifi, where we won't have a choice but to be unplugged -- and happily miss out on all the news except where we're going to hike and what we're going to grill for dinner!
What We've Learned in 33 Years of Marriage
- A good marriage starts by choosing well. But it is more about perseverance and hard work.
- "Conquering" marriage begins with conquering yourself.
- A truly great marriage is one of constant renewal and rediscovery.
- If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
- Marriage is a life of hard work, but it's important for husband and wife to each take time to get away and recharge.
- You should be well acquainted with your spouse's temperament and love language by no later than your wedding day.
- You're not marrying a person, you're marrying an indelible family culture. Choose wisely. Guys, if your wife-to-be had a dysfunctional relationship with her father, she'll bring that dysfunction into your marriage.
- Fortunately for me, I have a wife who adored and respected her father.
- A woman's affections run deep, but are also fleeting. Don't ever think that something wonderful that you do today, "should last her for awhile". She'll reset the scoreboard again tomorrow morning, if not sooner.
- Done right, marriage is the closest thing to Heaven this world has to offer. Done poorly, it is about two doors down from Hell itself.
It really is all about the little things.
Don't sweat them when they're annoying; they could be just the ticket to perfecting some fault of your own -- or take time off of Purgatory for you -- but one thing's sure, if you pelt your husband and children with them, they'll eventually tune you out, and then where will you be?
It's especially important to make a habit of noticing the beautiful little things, though, like how your husband's face lights up when he plays with his children -- or grandchildren, or when he warms up the car for you on cold Sunday mornings before Mass; or how he'll bring you a glass of wine, even when he doesn't want one himself; or how he leads family prayers; or how he never forgets to kiss you goodbye; or the funny way he pronounces orange; or how your hand fits in his hand like a hug; or how he says your name (when he remembers your name's not Mommy), and a million other little ways he shows his love -- aside from how he pays the bills and keeps the whole family fed and safe.
Gosh, but it's easy to remark only on the annoyances of life. It's such a rut to get into, and believe me, not a good one for anyone. If there's one thing I've found out the hard way (and still haven't mastered), it's to notice -- and comment! -- on all the little good things -- fifty times more than you point out the annoying little things. (Really. Keep count!) And for every fifty good little things your spouse adds to your life, make sure you add at least 50 more.
God is in the details. If you take care of the little things, He takes care of the big things.
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Lisa and Dan
May 2nd, 1987
I love you, Dan.
After 33 years,
I love you still;
Always have,
Always will!
Anniversary Prayer
O Lord, omnipotent and eternal God,
we give you thanks and we bless your holy name.
You created man and woman in your image and blessed their union,
so that each would be for the other a help and support.
Remember us today.
Protect us and grant that our love may be in the image
of the devotion and love of Christ for his Church.
Grant us a long and fruitful life together, in joy and in peace,
so that, through your Son and in the Holy Spirit,
our hearts may always rise to you in praise and goods works.
Something else we've both learned:
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