Friday, March 8, 2019


Children are made readers in the laps of their parents.
And aunts.
And uncles.
And grandparents.
And various friends and neighbors.

Momma Michelle with Ella (L),
 Aunt Cathy with Daria and baby Claudia

Cousin Gavin with Ella
Sr. Antonia with Daria and Ella

Uncle William with Ella

Uncle Gabe with Ella and Evie

*NB: I had more photos of reading children and grandchildren, but my internet isn't cooperating. I may add more later! Just for the archives, mind you. This blog has been the best thing for us as a family for saving moments, and reading together has occupied many of our most precious moments.


Michelle said...

I think I have those books memorized. ;) Reading is pretty much like eating or sleeping around here... (only sometimes I think they do more reading than sleeping.. haha)

Anne said...

I am on a mission to get more books. We lapsed the this when we had a break in kids. Now it's time to restock .