Begin on December 1st
The following prayers were taken from a small pamphlet I inherited from a dear pious old lady (Mrs. Fitzgerald, kids, God rest her soul). We prayed these together many Advents through the years with our morning prayers, and though they are designed for children, I benefitted as much as the kids did -- maybe more -- from these little reminders. One year we made a felt board and cut out little figures to go with each day -- which was a little labor intensive the first go-around, but was worth it. The children loved taking turns adding the visual reminders of the day's prayer.
The original attribution: Devotions in Preparation for the Coming of the Christ Child and at the Crib from Christmas to Purification" by Rev. Frederic Nelson, published by Marian House, Powers Lake, ND 58773
A Spiritual Christmas Crib
Start on December 1. Read the thought indicated about Christ's first crib.
--Sweet Jesus, take my heart and make it meek and pure.

--Sweet Jesus, I long to see You.

--Jesus, help me love you more and more.
DEC. 11 - FUEL
--Dearest Mary, obtain for me true contrition for my sins.

--I will obey for love of You, Jesus.