But those littler things? Maybe they're not so little.
Not only do children notice and absorb, but our own hearts soak up every little bit of what we immerse ourselves in -- whether we realize it or not. If the balance of our time, trouble, and money -- big decisions and all the supporting small things -- tips toward worldly, we become worldly. If our homes and brains are furnished with Godly and wholesome things, that's where our souls will be.
God is in the details.
If you've ever been to our house, you know we collect "sanctas," holy images, statues, art, and literature. It's everywhere you look. It's what we love. What we determine to love. What we want to be thinking about. The priorities we want to remember. Not to impress anyone, but for our own selves -- because it's hard in this worldly world to keep focused. For anyone not used to such things, though, it might be overwhelming, possibly intimidating, likely weird. Like what are we trying to prove, right?
We're honestly not trying to prove a thing. We just want to be surrounded by the faces we love and the things that make us happy. We want the balance of our lives to tip heavenward -- and we need to be constantly reminded. Humans are like that. So stinking forgetful and easily distracted. (sigh)
But today! Today we're reminded, not only of our spiritual heritage, but the Davis clan's real, honest-to-goodness ancestry, because it's the feast of St. David of Wales, our ancestral name day! Needless to say, then, we've brought out the mementos of our spiritual greatgreatgreat (to the power of who knows?) Godfather, King St. David.
Alas, though... nobody's home today. Anna's in school, Cathy's over at Michelle's, Dan's working, and I have an appointment this evening, so we're playing it small this year, but there's no way we'll let the day go by without notice. We can handle it -- just small scale. Bringing the liturgical year to life in our families doesn't need to be complicated or expensive -- and even when the children are grown, it's still important, I've decided. (I'm having to work through all this kind of thing, what with my children all suddenly flying the coop!) But, seriously, it's not hard to come to the conclusion that St. David is still important, even when I'm no longer home schooling.
So, Mass this morning first! Then out to Scooters for special Dewi Sant Day coffee and cinnamon rolls, then home to dig through the files for a pic of good St. David to set out the daffodils (the Welsh symbol for the feast day!) Dan got me, and dig out my daffodil pin. (Instructions for making pin here.) And, the girls will come home and make the traditional potato leek soup. (Recipe here.) And, all in between, sharing facebook posts and blogging on St. David. All little things -- that aren't really little at all. Because (I said it once and I'll say it again) God is in the details.
Happy, blessed St. David's Day to everyone -- especially all the Davids and Davises out there!
Anna with her St. David's Day booty. Because eating good stuff is always memorable,
and, remember, we're working on heavenly mnemonics.
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