Tuesday, February 2, 2021

On Candlemas Day

Not our church, but the same exact beauty.
Got to start the frosty morning with the beautiful Mass of the Purification, so lovely,
the candlelight in the early morning. Then I stopped over to see Cathy and baby Chloe (bearing coffee). And now I'm home gearing up to pack up the Creche. It's a little sad to have the joyful season of Christmas behind us -- but, on the bright side, those of us who are ready for some green trees and garden work might be happy to know that this date also marks the halfway point of the winter season! 

In America, today is popularly known as Groundhog Day, but little might most guess, the origin of the groundhog shadow thing is actually an adaptation of the Catholic "weather predicting" tradition we see on the Ember Days (described here).  Here's one place to find it in history, an old English proverb held that:

If Candlemas be fair and bright, 
winter has another flight.,

If Candlemas brings clouds and rain, 
winter will not come again.

Here's another one from the German tradition:

If Candlemas is mild and pure,
Winter will be long for sure.

When it storms and snows on Candlemas Day,
Spring is not far away;

If it's bright and clear,
Spring is not yet near.

Here's what we get to look forward to here in Iowa, if we can believe the old tradition:

Can we have a Hip Hip Hooray for an early Spring??

 Ways to celebrate Candlemas -- and a coloring page for today -- in this post, including information on the European custom of preparing Crepe Suzettes for today's feasting fun.  I don't know if I'll make anything as fancy as Crepe Suzettes today (seeing as it's just me and Dawsey home today), but some kind of crepes or pancakes have filled our table and bellies on this day on many past Candlemas Days. Maybe I'll whip some almond flour pancakes for myself later.  Here's a good recipe for Crepes!  You can also go here for the Candlemas site from Worldwide Gourmet which has links to several more recipes and a rundown of customs for the feast day from several countries.

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