Thursday, February 4, 2021

Thankful Thursday, February 4th

I'm Thankful for: Blank Canvases and Smartphones

1) I'm grateful for the platform of this blog, a literary blank canvas, which has not only provided a legitimate log of our growing family over the years (since 2007!), but has given me a place to think out loud, to work out what I actually do see about me and what I think about it. Odd as it sounds AWTY's supplied a kind of self-counsel for me by giving a structure and incentive to look into what the Church thinks about any given topic in a changing world -- and ways that can be found to live a beautiful, fun, holy life within it.

2) Another thing I'm glad of: our chalkboard door and our little black cabinet. Seems sort of trivial, I guess, but these are little mood boosters for me! Especially now that my duties are so curtailed, I really appreciate the creative planning that goes into these for each new season: the hunt for quotes and art and tchotchkes for the cabinet, then the rendering of the ideas, and the little mental lift every time I walk by them when they're finished. It's a concrete creative project with concrete results. Nothing cyber about it! 

Certain children of mine are wincing over that dangling preposition there.
It is perfectly acceptable, kids, in informal writing -- and in fact preferable when
following the "non-dangling rule" makes you sound like Yoda.
I refer y'all once again to this article.

Almost time to change the cabinet theme -- but not quite. I'm thinking I'll pull together
artifacts and wallpaper to make a St. Valentine's/Coming Spring theme next.

3) Not that being cyber is necessarily an evil! Heaven knows, I utilize technology as much or more than anybody, but, I'm more-than-average thankful for the internet these days -- and really do appreciate the easy communication that has been afforded by smartphone apps. Say what you want about the downsides of the internet (and there are many!), we've all been grateful this week for the ability to keep up almost instantaneously with the constantly developing news surrounding my Father-in-law's heart attack on our family app. 

* In the way of being an update: if anyone wanders by her heard about this and wonders: Dan's Dad has recovered almost miraculously considering the magnitude of the attack -- and for that we are MOST thankful for all the prayers that have flooded heaven for him! He's is expected to be able to leave the hospital today or tomorrow, Deo gratias! 

* Claudia (Michelle's #3)

Life is much easier with the advent of smartphones than it was in the
landline days, as much as we might wax nostalgic about it. I have really
come to appreciate the ease of communication most especially now that
we have children, grandchildren, and our parents living all over the globe.

* Grateful, too, for all of you -- those who just pop in (I see you in the stats, you know!) -- but especially you dear souls who occasionally say Hi. These days, that's like winning the lottery in blog world! 

* And the perpetual PS on all Thankful Thursdays:

I thank God for all His goodnesses every single day -- even when they come in the form of crosses. Nobody knows what I need more than He does.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you dear friend for the reminder to be thankful. Perhaps thankful Thursdays should be a new addition to my blogging world. There is something more honest about thankfulness when you have to find the words to say how very thankful you are. Does that make any sense? Excuse my meandering as I am only halfway through coffee number one on this snowy morning.
    Thanks be to God for your father’s recovery! With so much to be praying for it is a breath of hope to have a positive result.
    I too value technology. I remember when my boys were first deployed overseas. The landline was sporadic at best and there were so many times that the calls were abruptly cut off. Later with the internet I was able to at least call and leave a message that I was praying for them and their calls to me came with more frequency. Now I can see my grandchildren on a daily basis. First steps, words, and teeth are immediate happenings and the sound of their little voices is a beautiful chorus in the background of my days.
    Bless you all in Iowa and enjoy the freedoms that come with a non-COVID enshrouded world.


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