Saturday, February 23, 2019


Photo in public domain of Chicago blizzard of '67

 Two beautiful young girls (one of them ours, one of them a lovely friend from Germany) who thought they'd beat the storm and get some shopping and sight-seeing in on a Saturday before one of them (the German) heads off to other tourist destinations tomorrow.

Go figure. Locked the keys in the AWD (which we insisted they take) in downtown Omaha. And according to most weather-related authorities, a blizzard is brewing for this afternoon and evening.

Dad and Mom (Us. Stupid, maybe?), leave them to Providence with firm and repeated admonitions as to when they should head on home. Then ("Thank God Almighty, free at last!") alone in the house on a Saturday, we are just biting into the steak we'd  prepared for lunch (since we don't have enough for everyone), when we get the call:

 "Help, Dad! Can you come?" (Surprise, surprise.)

Dad finds spare key, hurries off, Knight on White Horse, to the rescue. "Give me the address," he texts. "Where can I find you, girls?'

Reply: "The car's on Jackson."

(Mom's waiting at home. Eating steak. Trying not to worry too much; thinking: "Dan and God have got this.")

Half hour later, text to Mom from Dad: "I'm at the car,  picked up the wrong Dodge key; waiting for AAA; girls are safe; waiting in the candy shop. Don't worry. Everything's fine."

Mom processes: Girls enjoying candy shop -- happy, trusting, oblivious. Dan sitting in cold car, battery probably dying in phone. Hungry. Wishing he was at home with steak and wife.

Dad life. But there he is.

And this is it, y'all, parenting in one of its most elemental, real life, every dayday applications. And you see what it really is all about.

Sacrificial love.

No complaints. Just do the thing. Be there. Come to the rescue whether they realize or not how heroic it is. (Quiet afternoon and steak dinner left behind...)

Dad. He'd do anything for them, no matter how ridiculous it is that they got themselves into this predicament in the first place.

Because it's the real deal;  he loves these crazy kids. Of course he'll save them.

Because it's Love. Real love. Still turning the gears of anything worthwhile in the universe.

Think how much more Christ was and is willing to take on for us, you guys.



  1. Cell phones to the rescue! Before that, we just worried and hoped and prayed.
    I cannot reach you by email. I have sent several. Where do I send them?

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