Saturday, February 23, 2019

That One Cup

The Ivy Cup 

Davis Perfect Old Fashioned Sweet Iced Tea
(one gallon)

1) Prep four cups boiling water
2) Add six standard size tea bags (Twinings better than Lipton), to boiling water in gallon pitcher and steep for five minutes (or until the tea-maker gets off social media and remembers to finish making the tea)
* Stir in one ivy cup* of sugar + small pinch of baking soda
* Fill pitcher with enough cold water to fill after tea bags squeezed and removed

* Most Important: sugar must be measured with this cup (the very last piece of our wedding-gift Corel dishes) or it is not Davis Perfect Old Fashioned Sweet Iced Tea. If you are a Davis, you can taste the difference. No, really; it's true. There may be a fight over this cup when the will is read someday. (This and the dining room table. And maybe the piano.)

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