Sunday, February 24, 2019

Iowa Snowflakes: Millions of Them

To appreciate the beauty of snowflakes
It is necessary to stand out in the cold.

- Aristotle

Out in the cold on the front porch of our little house, tucked into the Loess Hills in beautiful Iowa, appreciating 
every little snowflake.
Two cars to be dug out yet. One down the road and one on the Lincoln Highway, but everyone is home, safe and sound. Couldn't make it to Mass this morning, but prayed our rosary and read the Mass and reflections on the Epistle and Gospel, then after eggs and bacon: squeals of delight when Colleen and Isabel waded over from the Boarder House to spend the afternoon with Anna, Cathy, and our friend Natalie.

So, now we have cocoa on the stove, rice pudding being made, and the best kind of entertainment possible:

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