On December 15th, following the ordination of Fr. Robert Letourneau and the subdiaconate ceremony of Frater Francis Crawford, we got the chance to invite Frater Francis' family over for a little tea and conversation. Our good friend, Dan Hansen, grandpa emeritus of our parish, joined Frater Francis' grandpa for the event -- perhaps the first tea part either had attended! And they fit right in like they'd been doing the toast and tea circuit their whole lives. :) It was a wonderful time!
You can see here (clockwise), Mari Crawford (far left), Gabe, Cathy, Dan Hansen, Maddie, Hannah, and "Grandpa." |
Our friend and neighbor and all around great guy, Dan Hansen, with pirouette cookie cigar, cutting up with Maddie Crawford. |
Frater Francis Crawford's Grandpa (we just call him "Grandpa") enjoying the menu: deviled eggs, curried chicken sandwiches, cucumber and tomato sandwiches, meat "roll-ups," cherry and cranberry scones with lemon curd and mock Devonshire cream, and a variety of "boughten" cookies, plus orange spice and English Breakfast tea. |
"I'm making out like a bandit over here!" |
Hanna gets in the picture a little better in this shot! |
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