Thursday, September 17, 2009


Do you mind me changing the header picture all the time?  Is it confusing?  Or weird? I go around and see some of the most adorable blog designs out there and I'm sometimes tempted to get one... But I love being able to change the picture and colors here with my mood or with the seasons -- or just when I get a batch of new photos.  And I like the feel of movement as we travel along, like the header picture is a window on the van...  What do you think?  Do I exhibit ADD tendencies?


  1. No problem with the changes although I did fall in love with the one with the little child's feet in it many headers ago.

    Don't think you exhibit ADD, but CAC...cuteness and caring!

    blessings and hugs,


  2. NO I love the changes and especially the poem you wrote about the little ones! VERY cute poem. miles of smiles....

  3. As long as the header photo is not of me before I've had my coffee in the morning we're good!
    Love Di

  4. I love your header photos and don't mind you changing them one bit!

  5. I visit here for your writing and pictures. It's always enjoyable - so suit yourself and have fun.

  6. Keep the changes coming; I LOVE coming here and seeing a different, beautiful piece of scenery every so often! :)

  7. No, no! It adds to the sense of adventure that you guys seem to sing-alongs, mountain hikes, chickens that lay gigantic eggs, new headers...truly, it's exciting!

  8. Do as you please!!! It's your "house"...You may change the decor as you see fit. Will enjoy visiting and seeing the changes. Cathy

  9. oh it appalls me actually.
    I mean I think a blogger should pick one color and picture and stay with it for the life of the blog!! I mean it's consistency right!? And who are THOSE PEOPLE who change the pics every month or so....change the colors every couple days...and then....GASP....some actually go and let AUTISTIC SIX YEAR OLDS pick out their color scheme!!! Don't they know how un-orthodox that is???!!!!

    truly, a blog should be absolutely the same every time I come to it! forever. really!


  10. Just do what you feel is YOU. I like for my own blog the same thing but that is my personality. If you lkie change and that is YOU Go for it
    God Bless

  11. Change away, my friend! I am always excited to find something new from time to time.


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