Thursday, September 17, 2009

Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis


  1. St. Francis is such a saint that animal lovers everywhere can relate to easily, but his gentle and consistent love for all of God's creation should draw everyone everywhere.

    blessings and hugs,


  2. Did you post about this feast day last year? If so, I may be repeating myself...but I actually visited the monastery, La Verna, where St. Francis received the stigmata.

    It's nestled on a tall hilltop in Tuscany...truly beautiful.

  3. I do so love treking with you!!! Oh, heart palpitations...I haven't been to the top of Devil's Head in years. Was always an annual trek for the McGlone family!!!

    And I will be praying for you these next three weeks...Our Jimmy's wedding isn't until 12/12 but I'm getting antsy! ANNND....Marianne is due to deliver wee Daniel around 10/2! Yes, I too and excited!!! God Bless you and yours!!! Cathy


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