Friday, August 7, 2009

Sky Watching

Here's a shot of the sky last night (Thursday), as a storm barely missed us, curled around from the south and ended up east of us. The sun is setting under the clouds, lighting up the back twenty and our neighbor to the east. (See how high the weeds are back there this summer? They almost hide our redneck pickup.)

These next three shots were from Tuesday night, when we watched a terrific windstorm sweep in from the south. You can see the clouds coming down and the dust coming up.

And some more of those oatmeal bowl mammatus clouds overhead.

Here's what it looked and sounded like. If I'd kept the camera rolling another couple of minutes, you could have seen how the Dust Bowl felt. We were pelted! Some branches blew down and the tent we had pitched in the back yard tried to fly to Kansas.

For more Friday sky photos, run over to Crazy Working Mom!


  1. I love your clouds, and now I have a name for those clouds I've been seeing since we moved, so different from the ones I'm used to.

    The photo effect on my blog Calico Contemplations can be done in Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, etc., then you post your edited photo to blogger same as always. I just think it's kind of fun and different.

  2. Wow ... those are INCREDIBLE sky views! From the light on the fields in the fist shot to the SOUNDS. Simply marvelous post! Thanks for visiting my Sky Mosaics and experimentation at Sacred Ruminations. Methinks I got carried away but also shared 13 Sky Mosaics at Happily Retired Gal. Perhaps that's how the day got away from me? I'm trying to catch up this morning ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  3. Wow, that's windy. You can see far as eyes can (is that right? lol).

    Have a great weekend and thank you for the comment.

  4. Absolutely awe inspiring sky!!

  5. I love these pictures- just so incredible to me. Don't see much like this in London.

  6. Being near the mountains and at the edge of the plains, the weather and skies change sooooo fast! The menacing clouds of rain and sand are scary, but the natural beauty still catches our eyes and we wonder. I am glad that the storms didn't send you to Oz like Dorothy...

  7. Those are serious and angry clouds! Great shots.

    Thank you for visiting my entry.

  8. Holy cow! What a cool storm. We had thunder and lightning all day here! Seems that as soon as one system rolled out, another rolled in. The best part was sitting through mass with thunder in the background. :)

  9. Pics and video are great! My favorite part is hearing your kiddos in the background. We used to do the same thing back in Oklahoma when the weatherman said there were tornado warnings. My Mom said we should of been in the closet instead of outside with the video camera with Dad. Haha!

  10. wow what a capture, love your capture of the clouds especially on a storm,a little bit frightening though


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