Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Must Read

If you didn't hear about Simcha's shopping trip yesterday, you've GOT to run over there! Hysterical! Partly because I can SO identify with her!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, thank you for your comment. Yes his plane did finally come in. It was late 1 1/2 hour because they over booked the flight then asked others to give up their seats in preference for the military men on the flight. When I heard that I was afraid that my son wouldn't be on the plane because it would be just like him to give up his seat for another. He said he thought about it but knew that I would kill him if he did that so he kept silent. Wise choice!!!!! My daughter screamed with delight when she saw him. My husband was speechless (not an easy task). It was worth the wait.


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