Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Goops and How Not To Be Them

You know how I mentioned yesterday that I'd found a book in an antique store? Well, we've started transcribing it onto its own blog, called Goops and How Not To Be Them. Michelle (our twelve year old secretary) will be adding to it, hopefully every school day until she's finished.

We'll add other little lessons in manners for children as we come across them, as this is a subject near and dear to our hearts.

Anyway, if you have a chance, and especially if you have little ones in your life, please go have a look and let us know what you think.


  1. The list of "polite" and "not polite" on the new blog is hilarious!

  2. I love that book, so cute! I've got it listed at my homeschool library blog.

    Project Gutenberg has this book online with the pictures. Excellent book for homeschool. We enjoyed it as well. :)


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