Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Some pictures, etc...

I thought it'd be fun to just change out the header every couple of days with some of my more clear shots from the weekend. In the header, above, is a shot of the San Juans over Ridgway, Colorado. Isn't it breathtaking? (And doesn't that lack of an "e" in the middle of Ridgway drive you nuts?) Can you see how the high winds on the top of the mountain are blowing the snow up into a white fuzz? It's a gorgeous setting, any time of year here! Many movies have been filmed in Ridgway, including How the West Was Won and True Grit.

It's also a fabulous place for antique shopping. I found the best old book there on Monday! I'm going to have Michelle type it into the computer to share with you. It'll serve as typing lessons for her and I know you'll enjoy it! It's a 1904 edition of the children's manners book, Goop Tales by Gelett Burgess.

Below are some of the poorly focused shots I got, due mainly to the fact that I was driving the car while I took them... Don't worry, though; I was going about 4 miles an hour. After my weekend adventures, I was definitely driving prudently!

Below: Some mountain goats, taking a leisurely stroll down the highway on the way to Ouray.

Icicles coming off a redstone cliff on the side of the road. I wish I could have gotten a picture from further back, because they completely covered the wall of rock up about 25' or so.
Our Lady of the Snow.
Deer roam freely through the streets of Ouray. They are practically tame and so smart! They have figured out how to keep warm by standing close to the houses in town on very cold days.
These guys have uncovered a patch of grass from under the snow and are nibbling away.


  1. These pictures are real treasures...especially for you since these are gifts of "peace and quiet!" Thank you for sharing...Now I'm off to my microsoft word so as to complete my RCIA presentation...Please pray for me!!! Cathy

  2. Beautiful pictures! My in-laws and parents live out that way. That area really is beautiful.

  3. I called my husband in to see your pictures. (Mind you, he was all settled in with a bowl of ice cream and a movie on the DVD) The new header is absolutely breathtaking. He was awed by the beauty and asked me scroll down to see if you had posted any more! We laughed out loud at the whimsy of the goat strolling down the road and we gasped at the icicles.
    We are looking forward to the new pictures as they appear.
    Thank you for sharing!

  4. Love, love, love your new *header* picture!
    Thank you ~

  5. bella, bella, bella! but, wow, looking at those photos makes me realize what winter wimps we are over here in georgia. do you know that with those two itty, bitty inches of snow that we got, 200 flights were cancelled at the atlanta airport? crazy, i know.

    have a wonderful day. God bless.

  6. p.s. Ridgway without an "e" would definitely drive me nuts! i had to re-type it three times because i kept putting in that vowel!

  7. What gorgeous photos! Actually, I think the fuzziness of some of them lends an ethereal quality---like seeing something magical in a movie.

    Ridgway without an "e" IS a bit weird, isn't it? It doesn't necessarily *look* bad; it just doesn't flow off the fingers naturally when one is typing---as bia said, you just automatically WANT to stick that "e" in there!

  8. Wow. These pictures are magical. I love Our Lady of the Snow!
    And your headers just keep getting more and more beautiful.


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