Saturday, December 29, 2007

And the Winner Is...

Even though he tried to cheat by adding an "anonymous" comment for which he should be disqualified.... The winner, by popular vote, of the Gabey Mug Contest is...

Drumroll, please...

TaDa! Kevin! We all thought this was the most similarly hammy grin.
Kevvy wins the Mug Mug. No, moping, now, children who didn't win. Be good losers and pat your brother kindly on the back and congratulate him . (I'm not kidding now!)


  1. Oh I agree!! I'm late to the voting, but he is who I would vote for!

  2. I'll post a pic of the Gabey "mug mug" when we finish it and present it to the winner... (What a silly contest, huh? -gg-)

  3. it was lots of fun though Lisa. We want more competitions.


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