Sunday, December 30, 2007

Theresa Philomena

I am from measuring cups and spoons, from pencils and rulers.
I am from a little white and red house on the prairie.
I am from cornstalks, the symetrical shining rows of sweetness.
I am from Christmas Creches and loving great stories, from my Mommy and Daddy, from Paul, and Kevin, and Matthew in Heaven; from Jon, and Dominic, and Michelle and my little brothers and sisters, Cathy and Anna, Gabe and William.
I am from the teasing, the laughing, and the singing.
I am from books and good movies, popcorn and cheese.
I am from the beauty and tradition of the ages in my beloved Roman Catholic Faith.
I am named for St. Therese the Little Flower, and St. Philomena, Powerful with God.
I am from the width and height of the Rocky Mountiains and the rolling beauty of the Great Plains of Colorado,
From Wales and England and Ireland and Germany.
From my mother's father and his life on the sea, and my father's father, also a man of the water, I am oceans and mountains and prairie and sky.
I am from Aunt Nina's treasure chest of albums and Grandmom's photo covered walls. I am Grandma's twin, and beloved of all my family, my Daddy's sweetheart and my Mommy's dear one.
I am Theresa Philomena.
And I am nine years old.

We found this really neat poem outline here:


  1. This is wonderful! I went to Fragments From Floyd and then on to the links of many other's poems. Your daughter's poem is absolutely beautiful.

  2. Great poem!

    I love the name too. It is not often you get to met a Philomena. We named our second daughter Philomena.

  3. Happy Birthday Theresa. I think your mom chose the best name in the world for you. :::grin:::

    My mother took St. Philomena as her confirmation name.

  4. What a beautiful child!!! Catherine Therese is my given name. One of which I am most proud. My parents took a great deal of time finding the appropriate saint's name for me. St. Catherine of Siene and the Little Flower, and I was reminded frequently for whom I was named and that it was important to bear those names with dignity and grace just as they did...Some days are better than others.

    The Folks belonged to St. Philomena Parish in Denver and Pat went to school there. The doors were closed in the early 80's if I am not mistaken. I would attend Mass there as a nursing student at Mercy Hospital. Good day to you and a belated Happy Birthday to Theresa. The poem is a treasure any child would be proud to claim as their own!!!
    Enough...I'm doing too much reminiscing.

  5. How beautiful!
    What a lovely idea for a poem.
    Happy Birthday Theresa:)

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this link (you should know that I have learned a lot from you!). The poem is just lovely...Buon Compleanno (happy birthday) Theresa Philomena!


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