Thursday, December 27, 2007

William just looking for trouble...

He's apparently exhausted all the possiblities for mischief-making down on the floor.


This picture came from...

Kevvy taking advantage of our cottage-height ceilings to take William for a walk on the wild side, and Dominic adding his creative touch with some picture editing... I never know what I'm going to find on the computer these days. So much fun having our big boys home!

Once the boys are finished with it, I'll put on the slideshow of our other shenanigans today, the feast of St. John the Apostle, the nameday of our son, Jon. We had a busy day!


  1. You've got my whole family gathered around the computer right now asking "how did they do that?". We are flummoxed!

  2. lol! Matilda, I added an explanation underneath. We thought some might wonder... But, hmmmm... Maybe we should have kept the mystery?

  3. Don't you love watching older siblings play with the younger ones? My toddler gets so excited when either of his older brothers sits and plays trains or matchbox cars with him. Their attention makes him feel so proud!

    My boys loved this photo! God bless!

  4. Great photo . . . . makes me want to go and play! It also reminded me of this quote!

    "Any scene...can be more clearly and freshly seen if it is seen upside down" --G.K.Chesterton

  5. And I could never figure out how Fred Astaire could dance on the ceiling...This is way too cute...Thanx for sharing.

  6. Bia~ Yes, I do love it! I love to see that bonding going on between the little ones and the big ones. They all get so much from that interaction. It keeps the big kids "grounded" to come home and play with their little siblings!

    Peggy ~ I LOVE that quote! If I'd known that one, I'd have put it under the photo! (This may belong on a wall of our home somewhere...)

    GrandmaK ~ I love that sequence that Fred Astaire does on the ceiling! We were thinking about that when we did it, too!


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