Monday, October 4, 2021

Simple Woman, October 4th

Looking out my window... it's a glorious fall morning, chilly enough that Dan got up first thing and went to turn on the RV heater for the first time just to take the edge off -- but it didn't work! 😳 Dan's pretty sure it's just something wrong with how they installed the new thermostat. We're going to wait for our resident electrician to come home and take a look at it later. Leave it to the pro. Good to find these wrinkles we need to smooth out now -- before the snow flies!

I am thinking... I have to take my own advice and look at the world through the lens of the big picture, God's hand upon everything, nothing to worry about that doesn't threaten my eternal soul. 

So, what? Let me 'splain. In a nutshell: Tried to get onto the Lufthansa website this morning to download the app to make my upcoming flight (Sunday) to Germany easier -- and freaked myself out. The requirements for the China Virus testing are weirdly vague. Something about a "digital check-in" upon "entry" -- and when I followed the click-trail to understand what this digital check in is and upon what entry where I have to do it, it led nowhere. On top of the fact that I have to get the test within 72 hours of the flight -- and we have first-hand knowledge of how random and bogus the testing results are --- not to mention the whole fact of the plandemic itself and how stupid all of this is -- and I have to drive to Denver to get my flight out of DIA and figure out the timing of the testing accordingly... etc.,etc.,etc...

Deep breath.  (Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum...) It's all good. (I'm reminding myself. Big Picture. But God is in the details. We'll work it out!)

I am thankful... that it is still possible to fly internationally -- and I'll get to see Kevin and Ina and meet my grandbaby, Sophia, finally within the week! (God willing and i don't get lost in Czechoslovakia or something.)

I am creating...  schematics for packing my luggage. Dan thinks it's funny. But, seriously. Women get it. We don't want to overpack; don't want to under pack, and it's easier to study and add and eliminate on paper than to try to lay everything out and do it -- especially with limited space. So here ya go:
Yellow is what I'm wearing on the plane (I think);
blue is what I'm packing in my carry-on (so far);
uncolored, unless it's crossed out, goes in the big bag.

am wearing... See that denim vest on the bottom left? That. And the "old gray skirt" up on the top left -- plus my old favorite blue plaid flannel shirt (which I may end up bringing, even though it's not on the schematic) and my comfy old blue sneakers (listed on the bottom right).

I am reading...  too much news. Gotta quit that. It's making me crazy.

I am hoping... Dan remembers to bring in the one window box of ivy geraniums before the first frost! I really wanted to save just one and keep it going all winter -- and I won't be back until the second week of December, so it's all on him being tuned in to the weather. (It won't be the end of the world if he doesn't catch it, but I'm hoping...!)

One more picture thought for the day...
I know. There they are again. I can't help but share pictures of our grandbabies... But, lookit those faces! 💓We got to have Michelle's girls for a sleepover this past weekend (L-R: Daria, Ella, and Claudia -- and Margaret, far right, one of our on-sight grandbabies who was, of course, part of all the fun!) We made gnomes. And only did a tiny bit of spoiling.

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