Tuesday, January 26, 2021

That Snow I Mentioned Yesterday?

Sometimes the Weatherman is Right

Follow me on my walkabout (trudge-about) this morning?

A bit of the old original barnyard fence on the south side of the property.

Looking east: the trampoline (we need a new net!),  part of the fencing that surrounds the sunken
garden (there'll be grapes and roses there this summer -- and hopefully the Sacred Heart shrine in the corner right there that Gabe promised to build me). And the "papal crosses" there? Those are the stakes that support the raspberries. Think jam. And raspberry-triple-chocolate brownies. When we build our little grandparents' cottage, this will be our view. I'm thinking I may want to move the trampoline.

Closer view of the house. You can see this is where a lot of the drifting occurred. If I were a kid. I'd dig a snow tunnel right here. After sledding down the driveway. Where's William when you need him?

We moved the car down to the bottom of the driveway yesterday before
the snow started. This was a lived-and-learned precaution. You can
see they've already plowed our street, which is super nice. Pays to
 have the plowing equipment for the area stored at the end of our road!

Here's the black walnut tree right behind the house. We have two big fat squirrels, named Ozzie and
Harriet, who hang around this tree -- and play "try-and-catch-me" with Gerome up and down this tree trunk. They were nowhere to be seen this morning, likely because the snow is deeper than they are tall. I expect they're hunkered down somewhere in a hollow tree digging into all the walnuts they stored last fall. But the snow didn't stop this fellow from his daily rounds. Do you see him? Check out the picture below.

A red-headed woodpecker working on breakfast.

And here you see Gerome, who did me the favor of running ahead of me
on my walk and clearing the snow a bit. It was up to my knees once we got
off the top of the driveway! But, you can see, before anyone else was even
thinking of venturing out this morning, Gerome had already done his rounds!
This kid LOVES the snow! He was made for it!

And then there's Dawsey, who is not a fan of the snow at all.
This is as far as he got this morning.  He's like: Don't make
me go out there again, Mom. I'll just hold it in, OK?

This guy was made to sit on the top of the couch, and to observe the goings-on of the outside world from a place of objectivity -- and ease -- wherefrom he can, safe, warm, and dry, form opinions and make commentary -- kind of like CNN: totally divorced from the reality of the outside world and the critters in it. Thing is, the critters in the outside world have absolutely no use for Dawsey, poor kid. (Imagine.) Good thing Dan and I spoil him like we do. (But, yikes. Does that make us Big Tech and the MSM?) 

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