Monday, January 25, 2021

Simple Woman Monday, January 25th

What I am hearing... Well, we've been hearing for several days now that we're going to get a big snowstorm to start our Monday morning...

What I'm seeing... It may be true! Though you never know how much we'll end up with, it's started to snow lightly outside, the wind is kicking up enough that my Trump banner is flapping around outside the window behind me, and the sky is distinctly grey and grumpy.

What I'm wearing... Ankle length black skirt with a rust, brown and green stylized flowered pattern (and cozy leggings, of course!), a tan corduroy button-down blouse, and the fur-lined brown clog-slippers Dan got me for Christmas. I'll be warm and cozy today!

What I'm thinking... I'm glad we have a cellar full of stores and a woodbin full of wood -- and a liquor cabinet stocked with peppermint schnapps that I'm going to have to add to some hot chocolate later on for Dan and me -- which reminds that -- I'm SO glad Dan's working from home these days and I don't have to worry about him out on the road in bad weather!

What I'm planning... Dan will be flying out to the warm and sunny west coast to see Sr. Antonia and spend a few days with his parents and golfing with his Dad next week! While he's gone, I have every intention of: 

1) taking down the Christmas decorations, seeing as next Tuesday is the end of Christmastide

2) cleaning the pantry and re-lining the shelves

3) cleaning and waxing the dining room table; it was a workhorse for us over the Twelve Days of Christmas - and is looking like it!

4) indulging in the long BBC version of Pride and Prejudice that is a pure bore to Dan

5)  meeting up for Sunday brunch with my sister and then with Cathy and Chloe another day (not sure which), and my Wednesdays with Ella and Claudia after midday Mass, as usual. <3

6) working on next year's literature study guides for Sr. Antonia

7) getting some work done out in the statue hospital

8) and starting to clear out the upstairs bedrooms to prepare for new carpet going in next month -- followed by Dominic and Monica moving in with the little girls around Easter and taking over the upper floor!

* We'll see how well that all comes about. I'll let you know. ;)

Quote I'm pondering: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Charity is patient, is kind; charity envieth not, dealeth not perversely; is not puffed up; is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, and thinketh no evil; it rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth with the truth; it beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Picture to share that illustrates my day:

My trying-to-look-serious work space.

My not-so-serious work space. Where you're more likely to find me, unless
I'm transcribing or need to access resources on my desk top. (You know,
my real desk top.)  And there's Dawsey there, watching as the snow starts.


  1. I always feel so warm and welcome in your space. I imagine that I walk through the front door and know just which way to go to find you. I am sure that there is a hot cup of coffee and a cozy blanket waiting my visit.


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