Monday, November 30, 2020

St. Andrew and Advent


November 30th -- The Feast of St. Andrew*

St. Andrew could well be called the thoughtful Apostle.  Judging by the accounts of him in the Gospels, he seems to have been especially tuned in to the people and events around him.   Remember? Upon first meeting Jesus on the banks of the Jordan, his first thought was to run and find his brother, Peter, and drag him back to introduce him to the Messiah.  It was Andrew who called Our Lord's attention to the boy with the loaves and fishes that ended up feeding 5,000 hungry followers in the desert.

 After the  death and resurrection of Christ, having received the multitude graces of Pentecost, Andrew traveled, preaching and converting thousands through Scythia and Greece, then, after many years, won the martyr's crown in 60 A.D., following his Master to the cross in Achaia.  His death by crucifixion (on an "X" shaped cross) was of the 'common' sort, of that time -- long and agonizing, intended to be a cautionary device against the early blossoming of Christianity. As it happens, this martyrdom proved to be the opposite (as was often the case). Brave and faithful to the end, St. Andrew lingered for two excruciating long days -- but as he slowly died he continued to preach to the people gathered near him; in his agony, his final thoughts were of other souls that he might still save.  His charity was a deeply ingrained habit of life that he practiced to the moment of his death.

So, Saint Andrew. You can't help but like the man he seemed to be: spontaneous, loving, thoughtful, loyal, faithful, humble, courageous...  But, how is it that the Church, in her wisdom chose this apostle for one of the very first meditations of the Advent season, the very first season of the entire liturgical year? I'm sure there are many reasons, and I expect The Liturgical Year would be an obvious place to find out for sure, but I've been pondering, myself, on the life of St. Andrew today, and this is what I think:

My Dad taught us that the first rule of a good life is that it pays to pay attention. St. Andrew was a master at this. He watched. He pondered. He noticed what was going on around him, really noticed. Then, he acted on what he saw. And it's clear in the Gospels how he instinctively reacted. Like he would throughout his life as an apostle, the first thing Andrew did was: run to Jesus. After first hearing Our Lord speak, Andrew immediately ran to Him and introduced himself. Then he looked to see who else he could drag over to meet Jesus, and his eyes and heart immediately found his brother, Peter, of course, who he quite literally dragged over to Jesus!  Think of it! With this simple and spontaneous act of love, he changed the world. 

 Later in the Gospels, we see that famous problem facing the disciples at the Sermon on the Mount. Andrew's sharp eyes and quick mind spied a possible solution and, true to form, what did he do, but run to Jesus -- who then turned Andrew's suggestion into a miracle that fed 5,000 people. All his life, traveling the world, Andrew continued to lead people to Jesus, converting thousands to the Faith. Even hanging on the cross, with his dying breath, he was bringing people to Jesus, and he's doing the same work in heaven today!

As we go about our extra busy lives this Advent season, it seems the Church points us toward St. Andrew to help us focus on what is truly important, no matter the problem, no matter the circumstances: run first to Jesus. Every day, every pleasure, every pain, every worry, start with Him. During Advent, the rolling out of a brand new liturgical year, St. Andrew reminds us to start with Jesus. Not Santa. Not politics. Not gift lists. Jesus. 

Dear St. Andrew, be our guide, accompany our souls on the journey through Advent; pray for us, please, and lead us close to the manger in Bethlehem this Christmas! Lend us your keen eyes during this holy season to help us pay better attention to our loved ones, our neighbors, our friends -- the mailman, the kid delivering our pizza, the clerk at Walmart, everyone! -- and help us increase our prayers, our patience, and our charity to help lead them also to Jesus.  

Novena Prayer of St. Andrew

(to be recited 15x a day from the feast of St. Andrew until Christmas)

Blessed be the hour and the moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Blessed Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold.  At that hour, vouchsafe, O my God, to hear my prayer, and grant my petitions, through merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer.  Amen.

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