Monday, November 30, 2020

Simple Woman Monday


What I'm hearing...

I'm doing computer work and making up lists this morning -- something I do every Monday. I wake up slowly, get my coffee and a small breakfast and park here on the couch with my lap desk and laptop and notebooks and pens and pretend I'm making good use of my time while I wake up. So, the house is quiet -- as it usually is these days. Dan is working away in the library, but every top of the hour, his phone alarm goes off (with that cello theme from Master and Commander), and he comes out and prays the St. Andrew novena with me and Dawsey -- plus the St. Michael prayer -- to combat the evil in our country and in our world and to keep that loser at bay in our own little bubble, too -- and we add the prayer of the Miraculous Medal, (O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee), for the intention of our government, in general, that Godly people end up in charge.

 So, we just did that. And then I sat down and turned on a Youtube channel that I'm enjoying at the moment, with pretty piano background music behind the gentle voice of a young German fellow who explores and video documents old abandoned homes throughout Europe. You wouldn't believe some of the castles and manors that people just walked away from, leaving behind antiques, photos, Catholic imagery, personal belongings, whole lives...! It's crazy. And very mysterious. Great background noise with a bit of interest while I'm list making. (Weirdly entitled Bros of Decay, if you want to check it out.)

Outside my window...

Burning leaves. One of the things that living in
the country allows us to do. Makes this job easier.

It's a bright sunny day, though cold. In the 30s I think. We had a work party on Saturday (Michelle's gang, Cathy and Louis, and our good boarder friends, Anne Ng and AJ Martinez) to finally clean up the fall leaves (as much as that is possible!) and put away the pots and statues and patio furniture. So, everything looks neat and tidy and tucked away for winter now, which is satisfying!

What I'm wearing...

Colorful maxi skirt over cozy leggings (kinda my winter uniform), maroon thermal Henley and a dark green sweater. 

What 'm thinking...

Looking forward a couple weeks to the Ordinations that will take place on the 13th. Two of our particular friend seminarians, Rev.Mr. Carlos Zapata and Rev.Mr. Dennis McGuire along with Austrian seminarian (with whom we are acquainted), Rev.Mr. Joseph Weisensteiner (sp?). We are arranging to hold a celebration here on Sunday and I'm thinking ahead to how deeply I can clean house before then and what makes sense to do this remotely (like working on my kitchen cabinets and spiderwebby window casements) and also imagineering what to do with floral arrangements for the altar and lining up who would like to help with the arranging. 

What I'm reading...

Spiritual Letters of Abbot Chapman, a book recommended by a favorite priest years ago that I just happened upon in my Amazon Wishlist and had forgotten about! 

Also, still reading The Divided Mind by Dr. John Sarno. Slow going, because I need all my brain to follow him. And, well, you know... My brain and I wave at each other through windows occasionally...

And I have a Georgette Heyer compilation of  short stories that I've been dipping into for pure enjoyment, Pistols for Two.

Some Picture Thoughts for Today...

Our Advent Wreath this year.

And this thought. Every little tiny thing done for the love of God.
And hopefully this little tiny corner of the universe has merit,
but the main influence for the good of the world that I count
upon is our children, my greatest accomplishment, my purpose.


  1. I love to read these calm and peacefurl pictures i ´n words from your lift. They remind me that live can be something else than the hullabaloo going on around me. Keep it coming, please.
    PS. that picture verification is almoist enough to make me not comment. Eww.

  2. Doggone the picture verification! I thought I'd taken that off, Charlotte! Let me try again...


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