Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Margherita Sansen Sarto, the mother of Pope Pius X was present at his papal inauguration on August 4, 1903.

It is told that at the close of the papal inauguration ceremonies, as is the custom, she kissed his Papal ring, and then with the candor of a loving mother who understood the immense value of her own vocation, presented her left hand with its simple wedding ring to the pope, saying with a smile, “Now you kiss my ring — for without it, you never would have received yours!”

Isn't this an inspiration? Pope St. Pius X started out in the world as one of ten children reared in a humble ordinary home and became the Vicar of Christ, a sainted hero to traditional Catholics the world over!  

God bless all the Catholic mothers everywhere whose prayers and daily labor go into raising holy citizens of the Church Militant -- who will hopefully become members of the Church Triumphant -- and, who knows? Maybe even the future Pope who will once again " restores all things in Christ."

Pope St. Pius X, pray for us!

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