Friday, November 13, 2020

Filed Under: Kids Will Be Kids

June 19, 2020 


Mission from Mom: make brownies to go with ice cream for Sr. Antonia's last night of visitation.

William's Preference: a million other things he'd rather be doing, not the least of which is making chain mail armor out of pvc and silver paint. Or reading. 👓 Or playing with the dog. Or napping. Or anything but making brownies.

Strategy: wander in to where Mom is folding clothes and say: "How high does our oven go? Like, how hot?"

To which Mom responds: ❓❓

So he clarifies: "Does it go up to 700°?"

Sister Antonia is sitting next to me, and we look at each other with narrowed and knowing eyes. Sister says: "You don't have to double the temperature if you double the recipe, William!"

But he makes like exasperated and says: "No, no, no, I know that! I just want to be done twice as fast!"
This kid. God love him. I miss his face. I miss the comedy!

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