Friday, April 5, 2019

On the Right Way to Do a Thing

You can monkey around with my spaghetti sauce when I turn my back, I have no opinion about the proper method of loading the dishwasher, and I really don't care how you clean the bathroom so long as it's clean when you're done, but if you're going to fold, do it right, for goohnessakes! Fold the towels the way all the rest of the towels have been folded since the dawn of time in the Davis household so they'll stack together neatly.

Also, while you're at it: for all the good intentions you may have when you pull the clothes out of the dryer and dump them in the clothes basket in order to change over the load in the washer, just don't do it unless you take out the good cotton-blend button-downs and church skirts and lay them aside neatly somewhere first.

                    The Laundry Nazi

P.S. You're absolutely right; I'd be just fine with doing it myself.


  1. Haha! I was just thinking about this yesterday, as I looked at my messy linen closet. My mother made us fold towels a very specific way. I don't make my kids do that, but I do store the towels on specific shelves - the beach-towel-sized ones, the washcloths, the extra bath towels, etc. I looked at the closet and wondered, "Should I make them fold them a certain way, or is life too short?"
    I'm still thinking on that one... ;)

    1. Well, it all just depends on your own personal sense of pet peevishness, in my mind. ;) Since it drives me crazy, it's worth the nagging to me (or just doing it myself!) For other Moms other things are worth the extra training effort... ;)

  2. Does this mean I'm excused from laundry?


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