Saturday, April 6, 2019

Am I Shouting? Are you?

Nice to not have to shout here among friends. At least I don't think I shout. It's certainly not my intention, but I suspect that to those who don't share my faith and traditional values, it sounds like I'm shouting. It's so out of fashion to unapologetically  live one's faith any more, that when someone does, it's like a pinched baby in a silent room.

One thing I've found: you don't have to make any great effort to get attention once you leave the safe space of Catholic friends and family -- especially if you open your mouth and voice an opinion -- about pretty much anything; the very fact of your difference rings discordantly in the ears of the worldly world.  And too often those ears assume you've purposely directed an offense at them individually.

Crazy, isn't it? As if we'd ever even think of such a thing. We're just over here living our lives, carefully discerning how best to live, and contentedly going about it. We assume that everyone else who wants to can do the same. And we pray that they want to. But we don't go around twisting people's arms and screaming in their faces.

There's no need to shout. No need to try to shock. No need to draw big pictures, Flannery (though I hate to differ with you, girlfriend). Christ did that during His life with His teaching, during the first Holy Triduum.

And then Easter.

We just live like we believe all that was important. And real. And meant for us specifically.

A recollected, prayerful, joy-filled life is better than a shout.


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