Thursday, April 25, 2019

More Joy: The Sisters' Vows

Easter Tuesday, 2019

Our sisters who received vows,
back row: Sr. Maria Franziska and Sr. Rose Marie, Perpetual Vows
front row: Sr. Maria Antonia, Sr. Mary Martina, Sr. Noelle Marie, Three-Year Vows

All our wonderful CMD Sisters

Sr. Maria Antonia, CMD with Fr. Philip Marie, CMRI

and Dan and me. 

Photos from the Vows Ceremony and Mass

(In no particular order, as I'm having trouble manipulating Blogger)

Bp. Mark Pivarunas, celebrant, with Sr. Antonia and Our Lord

Fr. Sandquist and Fr. Borja assisting at the Mass with Bp. Pivarunas

The moment just before Sr. Franziska Marie received her betrothal ring

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