Thursday, April 25, 2019

Easter Photo Dump

Holy Week Home Team
Posing for Agatha Christie Made for TV Mystery
(Cathy, Dominic, Margaret, Monica, Anna)

Home Team Hamming it Up Nicely
(Same suspects just less suspicious looking)

Newest little Davis Family
Dominic and Monica with Margaret Mary Anne
(4 mos old already!)

Anna with Margaret posing for an ad for a nanny service

Dan and I trying to take a selfie at 2 am
after midnight Easter Mass.
We're not good at those in the best of

Little Easter egg I found in the living room

Little Bunny, Daria,
by the front of the chalkboard door

Couldn't get Ella to pose next to her!

Monica, Margaret, and Dominic
working on the other side of the chalkboard door

The finished door.
A masterpiece!

The House All Spruced Up for Spring

The Blessed Mother's corner

The mantle

Easter under glass

The little cabinet

The Candy Bar

Michelle and Ben's firstborn, Daria Philomena

The bunny bag my good friend, Ann, made
for me to give to our grand daughters

Ben with niece, Margaret. Cathy looking on,

Daria and Ella with their pal, Peter.
Easter afternoon we got to visit with some good friends,
the Schroepfers and the O'Sheas came for a visit.
A good time was had by all!
The Easter afternoon play date!
Monica and Margaret, Allyson and Robert, 
Michelle and Claudia, Sophia and  Alan

Cousins, Claudia and Margaret 
silently judging one another's bows.
Proud Papas, Omar with Emeris (family friends more 
like just family) and Dominic with Margaret.
Trying to work out an arranged marriage.

Daria, Ella, and Sr. Antonia mesmerized by the video
Father has saved on his phone.
 (It's a video of Daria and Ella ;) )

Dominic, Easter morning breakfast chef.
We told him he couldn't call them crepes if he was
listening to country music while he made them...

Anna frying up hush puppies (SO good!) to go with shrimp
on Holy Saturday main meal.

Three of our beautiful grandbabies: 
Ella, Daria, and Claudia
Watching Mickey Mouse
(A Mommom's House Privilege)

Daughter-in-law, Monica with Margaret,
daughter, Michelle, with Claudia 

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