Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Formerly Jonathan Charles...

.... Now Brother Philip Maria!

As of Sunday, Jon has entered Religious life as a novice in the Congregation Maria Regina Immaculata! He's joined his brother, Brother Pius Maria in the seminary in Omaha.  Talk about a Mother's Day present! I now have two sons who are Brothers.  We call them the Brother brothers.

St. Philip Neri, pray for our boy!

Prayer for Seminarians
O Jesus, Eternal High Priest, I offer You through Your Immaculate Mother Mary, Your Own Precious Blood in all the Masses throughout the world, as petition for graces for all seminarians, Your future priests. Give them humility, meekness, prudence, and a burning zeal for souls. Fill their hearts with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to know and love the Church, that they may always and everywhere speak, act, and think with her, the glorious spouse of Christ. Teach them generosity and detachment from worldly goods; but above all, teach them to know You and to love the One and Only Eternal Priest.
Good Shepherd of Souls, hear our prayer for saintly priests. Amen.


  1. I shared it on FB. Congratulations to everyone!! May your whole family continue to be richly blessed!!

  2. I to have a son who is a semenarian.He left for Rome for 6 weeks of studies.I will pray for your sons and all the who are in the seminaries.


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