Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Caravan is Pulling Up Stakes Again

The gypsies are packing up their belongings and getting ready to roll.  I mean us, of course.

Yeah.  I know.  I can't believe it, either.  And, yes, I really am starting to feel like a gypsy!

 After this past move from the log house to this one, less than four months ago, I vowed it would be a long time before I ever did such a thing again. If ever.  I hate moving.  Ugh.  But, you know what they say: never say never...

Not our house. But tiny.
This little old house -- and I say "little" not because there are too few rooms (there are five bedrooms and an office) -- but I say "little" because both of the bathrooms are barely big enough to turn around in, there are no closets, and the kitchen is miniscule -- but, what was I saying?  Oh, yeah:  This little old house seemed like just the ticket when we moved here back in February (the price of the ticket was especially attractive), and it would still be just fine -- honest-to-goodness... if we hadn't happened to stumble upon THE HOUSE this past week.

What's THE HOUSE?  Let me tell you, because I'm dying to mull over all the wonderful details again, myself.

 THE HOUSE is just fifteen minutes down the road from where we are now, and still only ten minutes from church.  But, instead of being across the street from a row of houses and a huffing-puffing walk up the hill from a whole small town, it's out in the middle of the country, with only one or two neighbors barely visible in the mid-distance.  AND it's literally twice the square footage of this house:  it has five bedrooms total, four (big!) bathrooms, a formal living room, formal dining room, large rec room, library/school room, office, workshop, attached garage, walk-in pantry, master suite, and a Gi-normous laundry/crafts room.  It's situated on 76 acres, planted in corn (leased by a neighboring farmer), has a play house, small barn, and hen house (all of which need some tlc, but which will be easily made functional).  And, here's the best part:  it will only cost us $100 more a month rent than we're paying now.

No kidding!

 So, as much as I loathe, detest, and curse the very idea of the physical process of moving -- oh, baby, am I ever gonna suck it up and just do it!  It's the least we can offer up for the great favor of having such a perfect house. God is so good.  And -- our undying gratitude to St. Joseph, who we believe interceded for a recent novena with this answer.  We'll be calling the place Casa di San Giuseppe in his honor. (Rental or not, home is home, bought or borrowed...)

 The move date is June 1st. (I can't wait!) I'll post pics as soon as I'm able.

But, tomorrow we're heading out to Omaha for Michelle's high school graduation -- I'll post pictures of that, too, when I get a chance, but I expect to be pretty spotty on the computer for a little while. I guess you can imagine why.  :0)   Have no fear, though -- I'll be back!

May Blessings to Everyone!


  1. haha. Poor Michelle, said she was clueless about moving, said she's in for big surprises when she gets home. hahahaha.

  2. p.s jealous, sounds like a sweet deal!

  3. Be safe and enjoy!!!!! Would help you move but there is a distance problem! ;0) Cathy


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