Friday, August 26, 2011

Note From my Aunt in Eastern North Carolina

Because my aunt is the most dedicated prayer warrior I know, I know she won't mind if I send out this prayer request on the world wide web.  Aunt Billie, my Mom's sister, and her husband, our Uncle Elbert are in their seventies.  The rest of my mothers siblings are all on the Carolina coast, as well as many of my cousins (two she references below, Micki and Joanne). We have relatives in Maryland, too, and Georgia, and Florida....  Anyway, we're concerned for everyone's safety!  Praying today!  Going to Mass right now, in fact to send intentions up for everyone in Hurricane Irene's path!

Here's Aunt Billie Jean's E-mail:
Looks like Irene is headed straight for us. 'Course, it often changes its course, but sometimes it doesn't. We've got everything (I hope) picked up and stored. We've still got one bird feeder out, but will put that away tomorrow morning. Schools are either closed tomorrow, or a few are going half a day. All visitors on the Outer Banks (OBX) and some in the IBX are under mandatory orders to evacuate and I expect that more will be tomorrow.

The llllllll Community College will open tomorrow at l:00 PM as an emergency shelter; and I'm not sure when the llllllllll County shelters will open, but soon, I'm sure. JoAnn is scheduled to be on duty at one of them. Haven't heard about Micki yet, but expect she, Lola, and Marley will be at the one where JoAnn is, but probably Micki will be on duty at llllllllll Hospital.

They've already cancelled our church service Sunday AM because it's supposed to be a BIG storm!! The weather man here said on the 6:00 news that if you have a tin roof on your house, expect it to be blown off!! We don't....but still..... He also said that if you have a lot of big trees in your yard....leave, even if you never have before!! I never have before, but I'm thinking about it now!! We've got some BIG trees. Elbert's not sure..but I asked him....what can you do if something terrible happens? He doesn't know. I've never been afraid in a big storm before, and I've been through some duzzies in Florida...but I was a lot younger then. I can't run fast now, and if a tree is falling, where do you run? You don't know what direction it's going to fall!! He says, "Where would you go?" I told him that I don't know, but probably southwest.
 Soooo, whenever you have a spare moment...or hour....say a prayer for all of us down here and along the northeast coast....looks like we're in for a bumpy ride!

Love you all...
Billie Jean


  1. Lisa, dear, you know that you have prayers for your dear ones. Keep us posted.

  2. talking to my patients last night was really scary....and when all my calls abruptly stopped at 1am CST it was REALLY scary.

    I hope that everyone was able to weather the storm well.

    I really feel for the mom I talked to that we had to decide if staying home or driving to the ER was more dangerous.....hope that girl's okay this am.

  3. Have been and will continue to pray!!! Cathy


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