Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of School, 2011-2012

So, I arrived home from Omaha Tuesday afternoon; rechecked all the children's uniforms and school supplies Wednesday; packed the lunches last night, got everyone into the bathtub and into bed early -- and then got everyone out the door, happy, smiling, and on time this morning.  Everyone, that is, except this little guy:
William -- who is sick with mild flu symptoms -- bad cough and tummy troubles.  So, (heehee!)  Mommy gets a reprieve from sending baby #10 off to Kindergarten for a day or four...  I do still really have a difficulty with conventional schooling.  It's most unnatural for me to send my children away for someone else to teach them.  If it weren't for the world's best Kindergarten teacher and our stellar Teaching Sisters, I so would not be doing this.  Thankfully, I do still have Happy Homeschooler, Catherine, here to keep me company.  I'm so glad of that!  And William's kindergarten class has off on Wednesdays.  Plus, I still get to teach my awesome autistic high school buddy, Brian, history and English three days a week.  So I shouldn't be too lonesome. 

Cathy, such an indus-
trious little student,
playing the wii...

 Hopefully I'll have a chance (finally, maybe) this school year to tap out some ponderful  posts on the conventional school vs. home school, vs. boarding school decisions we've made...  and will likely continue to re-decide and re-defne and re-make as the years go on.

In the meantime, though:  Anyone else out there already starting the school season with sickness?  I hope this isn't a sign of things to come!  Ugh.  What are your immune booster methods of choice?


  1. Well, I guess if he's going to be sick better now (no homework yet) than later.

    BTW, I LOVE their school unforms! Ours are dark navy and red plaid, but I am liking the light blue!

  2. You make my heart ache to be starting out another school year. (with the kids that is) The first days always felt so new and hopeful and fresh. I will keep all of your schoolers in prayer that they be successful in glorifying God.
    Think of me on the 5th since that is the day that I start my new school year.

  3. Look! They look like they are ready to start school! I love it! Sorry wee William is under the weather. Soon and very soon he'll be off to school too! God Bless!!! Cathy


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