Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Just Call us Mommom and Dandad!

The best I can do right now for a picture -- I don't have a cord to download to the computer....

But here he is!  Isn't he a cutie pie?  Gavin James, born 8:something Eastern Time;
 7 lbs, 13 oz; 19" long.
Paul and Nicole say he's looking around, calm and alert.
And, it looks like he has Nicole's dark hair and Paul's ears and feet...

I'll let ya know more as I know more!

And William tells us he will not be called Uncle Bill.


  1. That's great news! Everything go well? How's she recouping?

  2. Congratulations!!! How about Uncle Wild Bill?

  3. CONGRATULATIONS, GRANDMA! How very exciting!!!

  4. Congrats! He's beautiful. I Love the name too!
    William will come around, every family needs an Uncle Bill. My Uncle Bill was my favorite great uncle :)

  5. Congrats! What name does William want to be called?

  6. Wonderful news! Again, many congratulations!!!

  7. Oh my, Grandma!!! My heartiest congratulations to all!!!! God is so very good!!! Cathy

  8. Congratulations!!! Such a wonderful early Christmas blessing for you all! So happy to hear he arrived safely - and what a cutie! God bless you all :).


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