Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'm Gonna Be A Grandma!

Our oldest son, Paul -- this guy here ----->

just called to say that

his beautiful and charming wife, Nicole --- this girl here ----->

had a change of plans with her doctors
(just a matter of timing is all)
and is scheduled to be induced tomorrow,
the Feast of the Immaculate Conception!

So, these people here ---->
are gonna be grandparents...
(Don't look anywhere near old
enough to be grandparents,
do we?)

and these kids here ----->
(except for Paul)
are gonna be aunts and uncles...

and these two awesome people here --->
are gonna be parents...



Will you kindly join us in praying that it's a quick and safe labor and delivery and that everyone is OK?

Thanks so much! 

* We'll update when Gavin James gets here. *:0)


  1. Heading to Mass tonight for the vigil and will take your intentions with us! Can't wait to hear the good news tomorrow. You better post pictures!!!

  2. Mass intentions tomorrow will be for you all!! My heartiest congratulation!!!!! Cathy

  3. Oh, how awesome! Congrats to all!

  4. Oh my stars!
    You are going to be the most AWESOME grandmommy EVER.
    I am so happy for you!!!
    Can't wait to see pictures.

  5. oooo yay! I'll pray that every thing goes smoothly - what a great day for an induction! Can't wait for the good news! :)

  6. Exciting! I'll keep your whole family in my prayers!

  7. Very cool! May the Lord give them the many graces they need to get the job done now and always! God bless and congratulations to all!!!!

  8. How wonderful -- said a prayer. Wondering if the sweet baby is here already!
    I became a Grandmom 4 months ago and am loving it.
    Love to you and the whole family!


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