Sunday, November 28, 2010

Makes My Monday

Advent Fun!

Early season preparations are underway here -- with a twist for us,and a very fun novelty!

Come along and see!

First, just a little "hitch in the gitalong" of a Christmas expedition...
Jon, Dan and Dominic, intrepid tree hunters that they are, criss-crossed the Uncompahgre Wilderness on a quest for the perfect Christmas tree Saturday afternoon.  Armed with a Christmas tree license, a handsaw, the long-bed Dodge, a little brain and some brawn (OK, so maybe more than just a little...;o),  they were determined to find the biggest, most symmetrical tree in the Colorado high country.  Here you see the one picture the boys took of the expedition, taken when the truck got stuck in the snow.

A little bit of a snowy ditch, miles from civilization and out of cell phone range, didn't daunt  these Colorado boys, of course. They made it out of the snow, carried on with the tree hunt, and, for an eight dollar license, a little gas money, and a day in the cool fresh air, look what they came home with....

 The Biggest Christmas Tree Ever!

Approximately 11.5 feet tall!

And here they are -- Jon, Dan, and Dominic -- three happy hunters, showing off their trophy.

The biggest tree we've ever had!  In fact, this is one of very few Christmas trees we've actually had in the life of our family.  Our little farm house on the eastern prairies was just too small to fit one, so we always surrounded our Nativity with a slew of rustic faux trees.  And we were content with that.  But, in this house, with its wonderful Great Room, there's no reason not to have an elaborate Nativity and a big ole' Christmas tree, too!  And, boy oh boy, did the guys bring us home a tree! 

Now to decorate it!  The girls and I have our work cut out for us.We have basically no ornaments!  But, we do have some ideas... Hopefully, I'll be able to get some pictures on here as we work it all out.  Stay tuned!

Happy First Week of Advent, Friends! 

Make sure and run over to Cheryl's for lots more Makes My Monday Christmas season goodness!


  1. Wow! That is awesome. (I love your $5 for whining sign, too.)

    Just make most of your own ornaments! Cookies, construction paper, cut outs from last year's Christmas cards. Tie them on with yarn or ribbon and you're all set.
    (But that's a pretty big tree to fill, I'm sure you'll manage.)

    I want to try a popcorn garland this year, we'll see...

  2. Lisa, that tree is an AMAZEMENT!!!
    They have every right to be proud! How in heaven will you decorate those upper branches??!?!? I'm betting you will manage.

    Your AWE-INSPIRING tree Makes My Monday, too!

    Thanks so much for playing along!

  3. A beautiful tree! Well done, "boys!"
    I'll just bet it will glow!!! Have a grand day! Cathy

  4. Girlfriend didja cut down a redwood lol? ITs enormous! And so perfectly shaped. Love it! I saw Tasha Tudor's tree at Williamsburg in a magazine once. It was much like this pic linked. She cut out big gingerbread ornaments every year. Tied with ribbon. Between that and cranberry or paper garlands you could have a full tree.


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