Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gave Thanks

 For Games to Play!

And Lots of Friends and Family to Play Them With!

Apples to Apples Wednesday night -- a total blast.
Anna's a reader now and can join in on this game!

Kevvy (21) playing Candy Land with the Littles
Shown here: William (5) and Anna (7)
Michelle and our friend Cathy G. playing chess.
(Jon, Cathy, and me in the background.)

William womping Kevin at MarioCart on the Wii.
(Not really.  But he thinks he can do it yet!)
Jon and Cathy -- doing what?  I don't know, actually.
Just being silly, I guess.

For Good Food to Eat!

More than enough for the main feast...

Plus plenty to snitch before...

...and after the turkey.

For William!

Whose Birthday Was the 26th

And who is not just five years old.
He's "a whole hand full!"
(Or maybe I should say "handful")

For Time To Just Be Together!
I wish it had been more time! Everyone arrived Tuesday evening.
 It's Saturday night now --  and all the big kids,and  my sis, Nina,
have all left to head back to their respective stations.  We miss them already. 
The house is way too quiet all of a sudden.

Can't wait 'til Christmas!

*Sorry about the weird "boxing."  I think I know what I did wrong, but it's running late and I'm too tired to fix it... Can we just call it artsy and I'll call it a night?


  1. Looks like you had as much fun as we did!!! It was such a wonderful Thanksgiving here!!! Cathy

  2. I have never commented before, but have read your blog for a long time. I really love your family stories. Your new home is very beautiful. Blessings on your new grandbaby coming in December. I recently had my first grandbaby (in Sept) and it is true what they say. It is absolutely wonderful!

    Blessings to you and yours

    Kim Chrisman

  3. Hey you failed to mention who won the game of Candy Land...AHEM!

  4. Oh, scuuuse me, Kevvy... I don't know if it's something for you to be proud of or not -- but, yes, indeed. Kevin (21) beat his 7 and 5 year old siblings at Candyland. Yes, he certainly did. (Ya nut.)


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