Thursday, July 29, 2010

Praying for Melanie

Melanie Pritchard, a well-known and respected advocate for life and for the virtue of chastity (and a friend of a friend), is in critical condition after complications during the birth of her second child.  Would you please join us in praying for this Mama who needs to be well soon to care for her beautiful new daughter?  St. Gerard Majella, St. Anne, Our Lady of La Salette, please intercede!

Update:  Thanks be to God, and no doubt due to the multitude of prayers, Melanie appears to be out of the woods.  Still a long road to recovery ahead, but the prognosis appears miraculous.  You can read updates here.


  1. God Bless her!

    off topic, I'm putting together a cheerleading squad for Sherry, she's pregnant...with number 10! YIPPEE!!! you interested in breaking out some pompoms??

  2. Have added her to my prayers this morning! May God bless them all with his healing spirit! Cathy


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