Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Check your bags and climb on board the California Zephyr, train #5.  Starting here at Union Station in Denver Colorado, we'll be following the rails westward, through the Rocky Mountains to Grand Junction, Colorado.

 Here's a view through the windows, below.

And then just a peek of Paul and Nicole's little newlywed apartment, where they wined and dined me at the end of the ride. (Am I a lucky Momma, or what?)

(check out the wedding ring there..)

My weekend itinerary, in a nutshell: I got to go out with my son and daughter-in-law (fun to say that!) and six or eight of their friends to Bostons' for dinner and drinks on Friday. We slept in a bit and Paul and Nicole cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast Saturday morning. Then Nicole and I got some shopping in while Paul studied. In the afternoon we got to go to the senior recital of a friend of the kids' where we got a little culture with some very impressive tenor opera. Saturday evening Nicole treated us with a wonderful dinner of chicken and pesto pasta. (Paul opened the wine.) Then Sunday after Mass Nicole and I visited with her lovely family, then joined Paul back at their apartment to watch movies and enjoy the rest of the evening visiting. Then, a little sleeping in Monday morning and the trip back on the train before noon. It was a bit of a whirlwind visit, but wonderful.

And, yes, I finished my book -- and got a good ways into another one.  Life is good.

More mostly wordless posts at Ordinary and Awesome!


  1. What a wonderful trip!!! I remember my first train ride. It was from Rocky Ford to Littleton with my Grandma. It was such fun!!! Cathy

  2. I ought to take a train ride some day. We'll get back on the mainland in a few years and do that! Gorgeous pics and the couple looks really happy!!! Fun!

  3. Ah what beautiful countryside! So glad you had a nice time and congrats to them both (again)

  4. Looks like a fun trip and now you've made me hungry too!

    blessings and hugs,


  5. fantabulous!!

    I've always wanted to travel the countryside by train!!

    How long was the train ride??

    oh and DILs should call you Mom and the grandkids either Gramma or Grannie!! ;-)

  6. Hey, Everyone _ &:o) I gotta tell ya, traveling by rail really is "fantabulous" as Subvet aptly put it. I highly recommend it if you have lots of time. It took about eight hours to travel what would have taken about five hours by car. But, I got to relax, listen to music, read a book, and chat companionably with my fellow travelers, without stress or worries. There's tons more legroom than on an airplane, and the freedom to walk around the whole train if you want to. There's a full service cafeteria, too, and a way cool observation car... And the round trip cost less than $120. Would have been even less if both legs of the trip had been between Monday and Thursday.

  7. It's so beautiful out there; I don't know how you stand it. Here, we don't even know what a "view" is!

  8. Wow, that train ride just blew me away! Some of the pictures remind me of where tracks run along the Arkansas River near Canon City. It would be worth every minute of the trip to simply enjoy the scenery. How neat!! :)

    Glad you got a weekend with the newlyweds.


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