Thursday, October 22, 2009

Guess where I'm going...

I get to get on one of these tomorrow morning bright and early...

... with a book to read...

...and a phone full of music that Dan downloaded for me...

...and access to a dining car and an observation car (like the one in the above picture)...

...and I get to travel over the Colorado Rockies to see these guys:

(Though I expect they'll be dressed less formally when I see them)

I am so honored.
My son and daughter-in-law have invited me to be their first houseguest!
And I can't wait to put my feet up on their coffee table, and read my book, and just visit and visit and visit.

I'll be back next week!
Have a pleasant and blessed weekend, everyone!


  1. How wonderful!
    Blessings, my blog friend!

  2. How funny that you are doing one of Michael's "dreams" ride on a train. I think it would be nice myself as I only remember riding once with my mother when I was a little girl and we went all the way to South Carolina, then on to Florida from Chicago, but no sleeper car (too expensive).

    Hope you have a wonderful time!

    blessings and hugs,


    YIKES...who's minding the kids and the house and the pets and the outside animals????

  3. Sweet trip Lisa! Do enjoy!
    Love Di

  4. I hope you have a wonderful, well deserved trip! God bless!

  5. oh how fun!
    I want to travel by train one day....better putthat in my notebook!

  6. Oh, lucky you! Reading a book...on a yourself...



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