Monday, September 14, 2009

When a rainy day muddies up your hiking plans

As you've probably figured out, I've been trying to get a day away with all of my children before the weather goes bad on us, and as you probably know, hiking is our favorite form of entertainment.  Besides allowing for the enjoyment of the beautiful world God gave us, it also provides plenty of talk-time -- and it's cheap. What more could we ask?  So far I've gotten to go on hikes with Kevin, Jon, Dominic and Michelle, and this past weekend was Theresa's turn. 

But. It rained. 

What are a couple of girls with hiking shoes and a camera to do?

Here's what we did.

We drove down to beautiful Manitou Springs, Colorado, where we were happily surprised to see that the weather had curtailed the usually brisk tourism.  We had company on the streets, but it was light and polite.
A rainy day has some good side benefits, other than watering the flowers.

And there were plenty of indoor things to do around Manitou.  First thing, we went to Miramont Castle, the beautiful home built by a French Catholic priest for his mother in the 1890s.  After he and his mother left Colorado around the turn of the century, the good priest left the castle to the Sisters of Charity, who transformed it into a hospital.  By World War II, the Church had released the buildings and the castle was renovated to house ten apartments, part of the effort to relieve the post war housing shortage.  Over the years, it fell into unfortunate disrepair, but was rescued by the Manitou Springs Historical Society in 1971.  Its renovation to its original state continues to this day.  It's a beautiful, fascinating building, well worth the visit.  And the four stories make for a good indoor hike!

Here's Theresa's purple umbrella, passing a cute little gingerbread Bed-and-Breakfast, as we approach the castle.

Here are a couple shots of the interior.  Theresa and I were all about the dresses.  "Why can't we dress like that now?" Theresa wants to know.  I want to know, too.  So modest, so feminine.  But I wouldn't want to hike up a mountain dressed in one of these...
The notice posted on this hundred-year-old piano said that "accomplished pianists" could play.  Theresa played "Ode to Joy."  And she sounded quite accomplished. I wish I'd filmed it, but hadn't figured out how to use that function on my new camera yet...

Here was the good Father's room; antique vestments (though not necessarily his) are displayed.

Then, we toodled around the town a little, checking out the cute shops, glad we had our umbrellas with us as we watched other shoppers running from doorway to doorway, trying to stay dry.

Here's just one example of the many neat old buildings of the town...
Another good way to stay out of the rain: skeeball in a vintage arcade. 
The first time Theresa ever played skeeball and the first time in many, many years that I had.

How did we do?  Four and a half dollars in quarters got us enough tickets to exchange for seven pieces of penny candy.  Pretty darn good, we thought!
Last, but not least, we stopped at a Starbucks for a couple Pumpkin Spice Lattes.  Yum!  Another reason to love Autumn: Pumpkin Spice Lattes...
And a perfect way to end a drizzly, chilly, fun day.  We're not sure we aren't glad it rained.


  1. I gotta tell ya, that sounds like MUCH more fun than a hike to me!!

  2. That sounds like a lovely day. Maybe a little more fun than a hike, maybe not.

  3. Loved going on this 'hike' with you. That purple umbrella is so awesome but not nearly as awesome as Theresa's wonderful smile...what a cutie she is.

    I would have liked to have gone inside several of those buildings just to see the inside as well.

    blessings and hugs,


  4. i don't sounds as if the rain was the best thing that could have happened...what a beautiful day.

  5. What a neat day Lisa! Rain or not it looked like fun to me! I want that fireplace in the castle! And the piano was very nice maybe next time you can video! My daughter raves about the pumpkin spice latte's, haven't tried on yet but I guess now I'll have to! And at least you got your moneys worth from the skee ball!!! Love Di

  6. Looked like a wonderful day. I'm bringing out your pumpkin spice latte recipe I found posted here last year. Yay for fall!


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