Friday, September 25, 2009

A Big Smooch

Right on the nose.

This is the statue we ordered at the beginning of the summer to put in our Mary Garden.  We saved all our odd nickels, dimes, quarters and pennies in a big jar near the computer for years and years until we had enough to afford a really good one.  I'm glad we waited because, though it was a little pricey, this statue is worth every penny.  We love her peaceful, gentle face and subtle colors.  She only just arrived yesterday afternoon, though, and since we're already battening down the hatches for winter here, we decided to enjoy our pretty new image in the corner of the dining room until next spring when we'll move her out to her own special little grotto near St. Anne's Herbs and St. Therese's Roses.  It'll be something good to wait and plan for over winter, but...

... where she is right now at ground level, she's very popular with the knee-high set; it may be hard to give her up to the garden...


  1. A truly beautiful statue...what a tender, loving picture. You have such loving children and wonder pics to share for oh so many years!!! Have a wonderful evening! Cathy

  2. She is simply stunning! I would not be able to put her outside where I wouldn't see her all the time! But that's me and my yard. Still.....

  3. She is beautiful! I can't wait to see her surrounded with flowers from the garden.

  4. What a sweet picture, and what a beautiful statue. I like the garden idea ... I'm going to keep that on my list for gardening renovations next Spring!

  5. heeheehee.....I always kiss my kids right between the eyes...above the bridge ofthe nose and below the eyebrows....


  6. I love the colors, not brilliant but more antique. Beautiful

  7. Beautiful! Are you sure you want to put her outside?


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