Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A story in pictures

What the boys did at Knights of the Altar Boys' Camp.
The highlight of the week.

That's where they're headed.

Almost there.


Work still to be done.

Prayers to be said, blessings performed.

The Padres The whole group.
Our four boys (l-r: Dominic, Paul, Jon, Kevin)
and the Fathers G. and A.

The Knights of the Altar make this trek every Boys' Camp. This year sixty young men were involved. The hike took two days because the first attempt had to be aborted due to snow on the last leg just before the peak. The second attempt was successful, though all the boys didn't take the second hike. They cut the trees for the three crosses before they left the tree line, carried them on their shoulders up the rest of the mountain, and assembled the crosses at the top. All three mysteries of the rosary were prayed on the way, as well as the stations of the cross. Everyone involved, when asked to describe how he felt about the journey and the crosses on Mount Crucis, tells me that it was "awesome," but it just can't be explained; you had to be there.

Our oldest son, Paul, detailed the trip for me a couple of years ago. You can read about it here.
* Photos courtesy of Fr. G. and Carlos B. Thanks, guys!


  1. Wow! How beautiful! such wonderful country and scenes.

  2. So pretty! Glad the boys had a good time. I love the new header picture.

  3. Oh my word!!! What an awesome camp -- and what a blessed opportunity for the boys! I loved how they carried the lumber to build their cross. Talk about walking in Christ's footsteps. So inspiring!

    Hope ya'lls are on the mend!

  4. Oh Lisa what awesome photos. And what moving and loving tribute to our Lord! I think us ladies would have enjoyed this as well!
    And I loved that you used one of the photos as your header. What wonderful young men they are!

  5. The wonderful workmanship is only surpassed by the motivation and love behind it all. How pleased Our Lord must be with all these young men.

    Lisa, I have never heard of the Knights of the Altar before...totally new to me and I've lived in several States as well as overseas.

    They are definitely inspirational and perhaps something more of our churches need to keep our young ones close to the Lord.

    blessings and hugs,


  6. Simply pup, Glory be to God!!! Thank you for sharing the journey! Cathy

  7. if they do this every many crosses are up there now??

  8. i wish they had something like that here . . . i keep searching for a spiritual group for boys . . . there have been a few attempts at different things in our parish, but nothing has taken hold.

    but this is just lovely . . . can i send my boys to colorado?


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